Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/410

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1660, June 29 1647 {Wit at Several Weapons } { Robinson } { Robinson }
                             {Four Plays in One } { and } { and } Beaumont.
                                                        { Moseley } { Moseley }
1652, Apr. 12 1652 Widow Moseley Moseley King's Middleton.
1653, Sept. 9 1654 Alphonsus, Emperor of Moseley Moseley King's Anon.
                 { 'Jew of Venice' } Dekker.
                 { 'History of Cardennio' } King's Shakespeare.
                 { 1657 No Wit, no Help, like a } Moseley Middleton.
1653, Sept. 9 { Woman's } Moseley
                 { [1824-5] Second Maiden's Tragedy } Anon.
                 { 'Henry y^e first' } Shakespeare.
                 { 'Hen. y^e 2^d' } Shakespeare.
                 { 'Knave in Print' } Charles's W. Rowley.
1654, Apr. 8 'Maidens Holiday' Moseley Marlowe.
1654, May 13 1654 Appius and Virginia Marriott [No imprint] Anne's? Webster.
1655, June 20 1655 Fortune by Land and Sea Sweeting { Pollard and } Henrietta's Heywood.
                                                                                     { Sweeting }
1655, June 20 1655 Lovesick King Sweeting { Pollard and } Provincial? Brewer.
                                                                                     { Sweeting }
1655, June 20 1655 Poor Man's Comfort Sweeting { Pollard and } Daborne.
                                                                                     { Sweeting }
                   1656 Old Law E. Archer Middleton.
                   1656 Sun's Darling Bell Penneycuicke Dekker.
1657, Sept. 14 1659 Blind Beggar of Bethnal F. Grove { Pollard and } Admiral's Day.
                                Green { Dring }
                   1657 Lust's Dominion { F. K. } Marlowe.
                                                                                     { Pollard (s) }
1658, May 21 1658 Witch of Edmonton Blackmore Cottrel Blackmore Dekker.