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Heliogabalus. S. R. 1594, June 19. 'An . . . enterlude of the lyfe and deathe of Heliogabilus.' Danter (Arber, ii. 654).

Can this be the play on 'the mad priest of the Sun' apparently referred to by Greene (q.v.) in Perimides (1588)?

Hemidos and Thelay. S. R. 1569-70. 'A boke intituled the Rufful tragedy of Hemidos and Thelay by Rychard Robynson.' Henry Bynneman (Arber, i. 411).

Probably not a play.

Henry I. Henry II. Both ascribed to Shakespeare (q.v.).

Hunting of Cupid. By Peele (q.v.).

Impatient Grissell. A comedy in Archer's list.

Iphis and Iantha. Ascribed to Shakespeare (q.v.).

The Jesuits' Comedy. S. R. 1607, Oct. 14 (Jackson). 'A book called the Jesuytes Commedie. Acted at Lyons in Fraunce the 7 and 8 of August 1607.' Allde and Johnson (Arber, iii. 361).

Probably only a narrative of this famous performance; cf. ch. x.

The Jew of Venice. Ascribed to Dekker (q.v.).

Job. Ascribed to Greene (q.v.).

Joconda and Astolso. Ascribed to Dekker (q.v.).

John of Gaunt. S. R. 1594, May 14. 'A booke entituled the famous historye of John of Gaunte sonne to Kinge Edward the Third with his Conquest of Spaine and marriage of his Twoo daughters to the Kinges of Castile and Portugale &c.' E. White (Arber, ii. 649).

Probably not a play but the chap-book source of that begun by Hathway (q.v.) and Rankins for the Admiral's in 1601 (cf. Greg, Henslowe, ii. 216). Arber, v. 176, however, describes it as a play printed for White by Islip.

Joseph's Afflictions. An interlude in the lists of Archer and Kirkman.

A Knave in Print. By W. Rowley (q.v.).

The London Merchant. By Ford (q.v.).

Madon, King of Britain. Ascribed to Beaumont (q.v.).