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Rufus I.

S. R. 1595, Nov. 24. 'A booke intituled The true tragicall historie of kinge Rufus the First with the life and deathe of Belyn Dun the first thief that ever was hanged in England.' W. Blackwell (Arber, iii. 54). Greg, Henslowe, ii. 164, thinks this the Bellendon played as a new piece by the Admiral's and Chamberlain's for Henslowe on 10 June 1594 (cf. ch. xiii). The title curiously resembles that of another book, probably, as Greg suggests, a chap-book, entered in S. R. by T. Gosson on 17 May 1594 as 'a book intituled The famous Cronicle of Henrye the First, with the life and death of Bellin Dunn the firste thief that ever was hanged in England' (Arber, ii. 650). Perhaps this was the source of the play. A Sackful of News.

S. R. 1557-8. 'These bokes folowynge called . . . a sacke full of newes.' J. King (Arber, i. 75). 1582, Jan. 15. Transfer from S. Awdeley to John Charlwood (Arber, ii. 405). 1586, Sept. 5. 'A sackfull of newes, beinge an old copie: whiche the said Edward is ordered to haue printed by Abell Jeffes.' Edward White (Arber, ii. 456). This is less likely to have been the 'lewd' play suppressed at the Boar's Head, Aldgate, in Aug. 1557 (Mediaeval Stage, ii. 223) than the jest-book known to Captain Cox in 1575 (F. J. Furnivall, Laneham's Letter, lxvi. 30) and printed from the earliest extant edition of 1673 by W. C. Hazlitt, Old English Jest Books, ii. 163. King Stephen.

Ascribed to Shakespeare (q.v.).


By T. Garter (q.v.).

The Tartarian Cripple.

S. R. 1600, Aug. 14. 'The famous Tragicall history, of ye Tartarian Crippell Emperour of Constantinople.' Burby (Arber, iii. 169). Not necessarily a play. 'Tis Good Sleeping in a Whole Skin.

By W. Wager (q.v.).

Tityrus and Galatea.

Possibly identical with Lyly's Galathea (q.v.). The Twins' Tragedy.

By Niccolls (q.v.).

The Two Sins of King David.

S. R. 1561-2. 'An new interlude of the ij synmes of kynge Davyd.' Hacket (Arber, i. 181). Valentine and Orson.

S. R. 1595, May 23. 'An enterlude of Valentyne and Orsson, plaid by her maiesties Players.' T. Gosson and Hancock (Arber; ii. 298).