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These indexes are selective, not exhaustive. That of Plays is, I hope, full. Classical and foreign plays, including plays given by English players abroad, but not Latin plays written in England, are printed in italics; plays not clearly extant in inverted commas. Translations and fragmentary texts are indicated by 'tr.' and 'fr.' respectively, and compositions not properly to be classed as plays are also noted. Duplicate titles which might cause confusion are distinguished by dates or authorship. References to the main notices, in vol. iii, pp. 201-518, and vol. iv, pp. 1-74, and occasionally elsewhere, of plays belonging or conjecturally assigned to the period 1558-1616 are printed in blacker type. Titles are shortened by the omission of such words as 'A', 'The', 'King', and cross-references are only given from the better-known alternative titles. The index of Persons gives those connected with the Court and with stage affairs, other as a rule than the players and playwrights, who are alphabetically arranged in chh. xv and xxiii respectively. The index of Places includes, besides London localities, all those recorded in Appendix A as visited by Elizabeth, but not, unless for some special reason, those at which travelling players performed. In the index of Subjects inverted commas are used for technical terms and for ordinary objects as represented on the stage.



'A Bad Beginning Makes a Good Ending', iii. 315; iv. 127, 180.

A Woman is a Weathercock, iii. 313.

A Woman will have her Will. See Englishmen for my Money.

Abraham, iii. 322, 514.

'Abraham and Lot', ii. 95.

Abraham Sacrifiant, i. 249; iii. 322.

Abraham's Sacrifice (tr.), iii. 322.

'Absalom' (1602), ii. 228.

Absalon (c. 1535), iii. 506; iv. 246.

'Abuses', iv. 33.

'Adams Tragedie', iv. 398.

Adelphe, i. 131; iv. 127.

Adelphi (tr.), iii. 236.

Aegio (fr.), iii. 209.

'Aemilia', i. 131.

'Aeneas and Dido', iv. 122.

'Aesop's Crow', ii. 83.

Agamemnon (tr.), iii. 477.

'Agamemnon', ii. 169.

'Agamemnon and Ulysses', ii. 17, 101; iv. 101, 160.

Agarite, iii. 16.

'Ajax and Ulysses', ii. 63; iv. 87, 146.

'Ajax Flagellifer', i. 130, 233.

'Ajax Flagellifer' (tr.), i. 127.

Alaham, iii. 331.

Alarum for London, iv. 1.

'Alba', i. 130.

'Albere Galles', ii. 227; iii. 341; iv. 37.

Albion Knight (fr.), iv. 1.

Albumazar, i. 131; iii. 498.

Alchemist, iii. 123, 222, 224, 371, 499; iv. 51, 127, 180, 371.

'Alcmaeon', ii. 15; iv. 89, 147.

'Alexander and Lodowick', ii. 144, 167, 170.

Alexandraean Tragedy, iii. 209.

'Alexius', iv. 2.

'Alfonso', iv. 2.

Alice and Alexis (fr.), iv. 2.

'Alice Pierce', ii. 132, 166.

All Fools, iii. 146, 252; iv. 119, 171.

'All Fools but the Fool'. See 'The World Runs on Wheels'.

All for Money, iii. 23, 411.

'All is not Gold that Glisters', ii. 178.

All is True. See Henry VIII.

All's One. See Yorkshire Tragedy.