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Knack to Know an Honest Man, iv. 24.

'1, 2 Knaves', ii. 244; iv. 127, 180.

'Knight in the Burning Rock', ii. 98; iv. 96, 155.

'Knight of Rhodes iii. 462; iv. 47.

Knight of the Burning Pestle, iii. 151, 220, 237; iv. 36.

'Knot of Fools', iv. 127, 180.

König aus Arragona, ii. 286; iii. 327.

König aus Engelandt und Goltschmitt Weib, ii. 281.

König in Dennemark und König in Schweden, ii. 286.

König in Spanien und Vice Roy in Portugall, ii. 286.

König Ludwig und König Friedrich von Ungarn, ii. 281.

König von Khipern und Herzog von Venedig, ii. 281, 286.

Königes Sohne aus Engellandt und Königes Tochter aus Schottlandt, ii. 281, 285, 286.


Labyrinthus, iii. 336.

'Lady Amity', iii. 215.

'Lady Barbara', ii. 96; iv. 87, 146.

1, 2 Lady Jane. See Sir Thomas Wyatt.

Lady of May (show), i. 124; ii. 89; iii. 491.

Laelia, iii. 212; iv. 53, 375.

'Late Murder of the Son upon the Mother', iii. 512.

Law Tricks, iii. 285.

Leander, iii. 336.

Lear, King, ii. 212, 286; iii. 488, 499; iv. 25, 48, 121.

Leire, King, ii. 202; iv. 25, 48.

Lena, iii. 11.

Liberality and Prodigality, iii. 145; iv. 26.

Life and Repentance of Mary Magdalene, iii. 25, 503; iv. 194.

'Like Quits Like', iii. 267.

'Like unto Like' (1600), ii. 133; iv. 16.

Like will to Like (c. 1568), ii. 14; iii. 24, 317; iv. 16.

Lingua, iii. 497.

Lisandre et Caliste, iii. 16.

Little Thief. See Nightwalker.

Locrine, iii. 232; iv. 26, 44, 46.

'London Against the Three Ladies,' iii. 515; iv. 216.

'1, 2 London Florentine', ii. 180-1.

'London Merchant', iii. 315.

London Maid. See Thorny Abbey.

London Prodigal, iv. 27.

London's Love to Prince Henry, iv. 72.

'1 Long Meg of Westminster', ii. 147, 190.

'Longshanks', ii. 144, 181; iii. 461.

'Longsword, Sir William', i. 320; ii. 170.

Look About You, iv. 28.

Looking Glass for London and England, ii. 280, 296; iii. 328.

Lords' Mask, i. 173; iii. 241.

Love and Fortune, ii. 118; iii. 45; iv. 28, 99, 159.

'Love and Self-Love' (show), iii. 212, 306.

Love Feigned and Unfeigned, iv. 28.

Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly (mask), i. 173; iii. 386; iv. 125.

Love Lies Bleeding. See Philaster.

'Love of a Grecian Lady', ii. 146; iii. 462.

'Love of an English Lady', ii. 143.

'Love Parts Friendship', ii. 179; iii. 266; iv. 50.

'Love Prevented', ii. 166; iii. 467.

Love Restored (mask), i. 173; iii. 387; iv. 35, 58, 125.

Love's Cure, iii. 231.

Love's Labour's Lost, ii. 194, 211; iii. 260, 482; iv. 119, 139, 172, 246.

'Love's Labour's Won', ii. 197; iii. 489; iv. 246.

Love's Metamorphosis, iii. 34, 145, 416.

Love's Mistress, iii. 346.

Love-sick King, iii. 237.

'Loyalty and Beauty', ii. 35; iv. 96, 155.

Lucidi, iii. 13.

'Lud, King', ii. 95.

Ludovico, ein König aus Hispania, ii. 284.

'Lustie London', iii. 470.

Lust's Dominion, iii. 427.

Lusty Juventus, iii. 22; iv. 380.


Macbeth, i. 126; ii. 212, 215, 269; iii. 332, 438, 439, 488, 498.

'Machiavel' (1592), ii. 122; iii. 272.

'Machiavel and the Devil' (1613), i. 374; ii. 252; iii. 272.

Machiavellus, iv. 376.

'Mack', ii. 143; iii. 299.

Mad World, my Masters, iii. 143, 439.

'Madman's Morris', ii. 166.