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Palladio, Andrea, iii. 11.

Palmer, Mr., dancer, iv. 115.

Parker, Edward, 10th Lord Morley, his men, ii. 113, 120, 124, 192.

Parker, Henry, 9th Lord Morley, iv. 79, 87, 93.

Parker (b. Harlestone), Margaret, i. 114.

Parker, Matthew, archbishop of Canterbury, i. 110, 114, 117; iv. 77, 78, 83, 89, 90, 265.

Parker, William, 4th Lord Monteagle, ii. 205.

Parr (b. Brooke), Elizabeth, Marchioness of Northampton, iv. 81.

Parr (b. Suavenberg), Helena, Marchioness of Northampton, afterwards wife of Sir Thomas Gorges, iv. 86.

Parr, William, Marquis of Northampton, ii. 476; iii. 263; iv. 86.

Parry (b. Reade), Blanche Lady, lady of privy chamber, i. 45; iii. 401

Parry, Sir Thomas, comptroller and treasurer of household, i. 35.

Parsons, Philip, iv. 373.

Parsons, Robert, ii. 63.

Parys, Robert de, ii. 459.

Pasfield, Zacharias, corrector of books, iii. 168.

Pasqualigo, Luigi, iv. 14.

Paulet, John, Lord St. John, 2nd Marquis of Winchester, iv. 85, 90.

Paulet, John, 4th Marquis of Winchester, i. 117; iv. 114, 117, 122, 123, 126, 128, 130.

Paulet, William, 1st Marquis of Winchester, lord treasurer, i. 79; iv. 78, 85.

Paulet, William, 3rd Marquis of Winchester, ii. 91; iv. 106.

Pavier, Thomas, stationer, iii. 479.

Paylor, Mr., iv. 57.

Payne, Anthony, ii. 446.

Payne, Joan, ii. 464.

Payne, William, ii. 451, 462-4.

Peake, Robert, serjeant printer, iv. 353.

Peck, Mr., of Norwich, iv. 63.

Peckham, Sir George, ii. 385; iv. 86.

Pellegrino da Udine, iii. 9.

Pembroke (title). See Herbert.

Percy, Sir Charles, ii. 205.

Percy (b. Devereux), Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland, i. 220; iii. 375.

Percy, Henry, 8th Earl of Northumberland, i. 110; iv. 100.

Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland, iii. 367.

Percy, Sir Josceline, ii. 205.

Perrot, Sir Thomas, i. 144; iv. 64.

Peruzzi, Baldassare, iii. 9.

Petre (b. Browne), Anne Lady, iv. 96.

Petre, John, 1st Lord, iv. 93.

Petre (b. Somerset), Katharine Lady, iii. 282, 380.

Petre (b. Waldegrave), Mary Lady iii. 514.

Petre, Sir William, iii. 160; iv. 79.

Pett, Phineas, iii. 234.

Phelips, Sir Edward, master of the rolls, iii. 260; iv. 126.

Philip II, King of Spain, i. 243, 323.

Philipps, Thomas, clerk of tents and revels, i. 73; ii. 492.

Pickering, Sir William, i. 4, 42.

Pickleherring, Robert, ii. 285.

Pinck, ii. 299.

Platter, Thomas, ii. 364, 456.

Plautus, i. 127, 222, 238-40; iii. 2, 19; iv. 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 201, 256.

Plutarch, on poetry, i. 238.

Pod, puppet-showman, ii. 319.

Pole, Henry, ii. 499.

Pole, Margaret, formerly Cheyne, ii. 499.

Pomponius Laetus, iii. 3.

Pope, Morgan, ii. 410, 450-1, 463-4.

Popham, Sir John, chief justice of queen's bench, ii. 205; iv. 108.

Porta, Giambattista, iii. 476, 499.

Porter, Henry, lutenist and sackbut, i. 49.

Portinari, Sir John, ii. 477, 490, 500-3.

Portington, William, master carpenter of works, i. 180; iii. 380.

Poupin, Abel, i. 247.

Powlter, Simon, yeoman of bears, ii. 450-1.

Pratt, Mr., iv. 375.

Prescot, Richard, porter of St. John's gate, i. 100.

Preston, Richard, 1st Lord Dingwall, i. 146; iii. 241, 280, 377, 393, 394.

Pricket, Robert, i. 307.

Proby, Peter, i. 65.

Prynne, William, i. 253, 263, 306, 387; ii. 374, 423.

Puckering, Sir John, lord keeper of the seal, i. 125; iv. 110, 315.

Puttenham, George, iii. 470; iv. 90.

Puttenham, Richard, on plays, i. 258; iv. 233.