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Wistow, ii. 451.

Withens, Robert, ii. 406.

Wither, Anne, formerly Phillips, ii. 418.

Wither, John, ii. 334, 418, 423-4.

Wolf, John, stationer, iv. 327, 345.

Wolley (b. More), Elizabeth Lady, ii. 498.

Wolley, Sir John, Latin secretary, ii. 497; iv. 97, 99, 100.

Wood, Sir Robert, mayor of Norwich, iv. 62.

Woodford or Simball, Thomas, ii. 445, 516-17.

Woodhouse, Mrs., maid of honour, i. 54.

Woodman, victualler, ii. 493.

Woodward, Agnes, i. 358.

Woodward, Elizabeth, ii. 333.

Woodward, Joan, i. 358.

Worcester (title). See Somerset.

Wotton, Edward, 1st Lord, comptroller of household, i. 35, 64; iv. 342.

Wren, Christopher, iv. 377.

Wright, James, iv. 370-2.

Wriothesley (b. Vernon), Elizabeth, Countess of Southampton, i. 45.

Wriothesley, Henry, 2nd Earl of Southampton, i. 162; iii. 488; iv. 82.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, i. 45, 46, 147, 220; iii. 212, 249, 358, 393, 417; iv. 106, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 139.

Wriothesley (b. Cheyne), Jane, Countess of Southampton, iv. 85.

Wriothesley (b. Browne), Mary, Countess of Southampton, afterwards Lady Heneage and Lady Hervey, i. 162; iii. 468; iv. 82.

Wroth (b. Sidney), Mary Lady, iii. 371, 375.

Wroth, Sir Robert, iv. 105, 108, 111, 120, 322.

Württemberg, Frederick, Duke of, ii. 455.

Württemberg, Lewis Frederick, Prince of, ii. 369, 457.

Wyatt, Sir Henry, treasurer of chamber, i. 59; ii. 476.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, i. 59; ii. 476.


Yaxley, John, mayor of Cambridge, iv. 6.

Yelverton, Sir Henry, solicitor-general, iv. 59.

Yetswiert, Nicasius, French secretary and clerk of signet, i. 98.

Yorke, Sir John, i. 305, 328.

Young, Sir John, mayor of Bristol, iv. 90, 198.

Young, Richard, i. 285; ii. 478; iv. 93, 96, 293, 297, 305, 310.


Zanobi, iii. 13.

Zingerling, Justus, ii. 369, 457.