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Family of Love, iii. 440, 441; iv. 11, 16, 29.

'Fee lists', i. 29.

Fees of household, i. 29, 50;
  of players, ii. 78, 83.

Fencing, i. 289, 305, 361; ii. 343, 380, 382, 404, 410, 413-14, 470, 499, 500, 529; iv. 54, 79, 121, 05, 206, 270, 277, 283, 289, 293, 294, 324, 337.

Ferrara, plays at, iii. 4, 8.

Finance of masks, i. 207-12.

Finance of stage.
  See Boxholders, Entrance fees, Fees of players, Gallery takings, Gatherers, Gratuity, Henslowe, Highway, Hospitals, Housekeepers, Pensions, Poor, Profits, Rewards, Sharers, Stock, Takings. Fines of players, ii. 256. Finestre (windows), iv. 360. Fireworks, i. 123, 139; ii. 455; iv. 72, 73, 74, 88, 121, 122, 124, 127. Flags on playhouses, ii. 546; iv. 219. Folgore (lightning), iv. 365. Folk-survivals in masks, i. 150. Fools, at court, i. 48, 53; on stage, ii. 327, 339. See Clowns.

Foreshortening of space, iii. 25, 33, 37, 38, 41, 43, 50, 99, 117, 137, 150.

Forgeries, i. 59; ii. 79, 108, 159, 195, 207, 211, 229, 480, 496, 508, 510, 515; iii. 247, 252, 266-7, 274, 292, 421, 423, 425, 426, 428, 434, 459, 490, 512; iv. 1, 68, 136-41.

Fortune playhouse, ii. 435-43.

France, players in, ii. 292-4.

Free list, i. 361, 374; ii. 387, 406.

French players in England, iii. 19.

Front curtains, i. 231; iii. 10, 21, 30, 44, 79.


'Gag', i. 322.

Galleries, of stage, ii. 534; iii. 45, 90-8, 119;
  of auditorium, ii. 514, 530-4, 555.

Gallery takings, i. 355; ii. 131, 139, 182, 239, 245, 249, 256, 388, 393, 412.

Galliards, i. 6, 198; iii. 234, 239, 241, 278, 280, 282, 378, 380, 383, 385, 390, 435; iv. 56, 57, 59, 115, 217.

Garden scenes, iii. 55.

Garderoba, i. 55.

Garter, i. 20, 139; ii. 61, 160.

Gatherers, i. 356, 371; ii. 150, 174, 187, 389, 392, 393, 406, 445, 538.

'Gatheryngs', ii. 532; iii. 504.

Gelosi, ii. 262-3.

Geneva, history of plays at, i. 245.

Gentlemen of Chapel, ii. 24-30; iv. 150;
  of Privy Chamber, i. 43, 50.

Gentlemen Ushers of Chamber, i. 44-5, 50, 108, 205, 226.

Germany, players in, i. 342-7; ii. 272-92.

'Gests' of progresses, i. 108; iv. 117, 120, 126.

'Get-penny', i. 373.

'Ghost-names', ii. 108, 312, 319; iii. 495.

Gifts in mask, i. 150, 160, 168, 196; iii. 278, 279, 282, 375, 435, 468;
  on progress, i. 113, 116, 125.

Globe playhouse, ii. 414-34.

'Good' and 'bad' Shakespearian quartos, iii. 185.

Gowry Day, i. 21.

Grades in household, i. 42.

Gradi (tiers of seats), iv. 355, 358.

Graphic dances, i. 199.

'Gratuity' to players, i. 339.

Gray's Inn, i. 214, 222; iii. 233, 239, 320-1, 348; iv. 56, 59, 82, 109, 127, 143, 162.

Great Chamber, i. 13, 216.

Green Cloth, board of, i. 35.

Groom Porter of Chamber, i. 45, 100.

Grooms of Chamber, i. 45, 50, 208, 311, 358;
  of Privy Chamber, i. 43, 50;
  of Revels, i. 93, 100;
  of Stole, i. 53.

Grooms, in playhouses.
  See Attendants.

Groundlings, ii. 527; iv. 366.

Guard Chamber, i. 13.

Guilds and plays, i. 289, 296.

Gunpowder Day, i. 21; iii. 367.


Hall officers, i. 34, 226.

'Hall' or 'room', for masks, ii. 189;
  for interludes, iii. 23, 27.

Hall scenes, iii. 63, 86.

Hallowmas, i. 21; iv. 237.

Halls of palaces, i. 13, 15, 202, 216.

Hangings, iii. 78, 111, 133, 501; iv. 367, 370.

Harbingers, i. 46, 108.

Harlots in playhouses, i. 255, 264; ii. 549; iv. 203, 209, 211, 218, 223.