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Ladies at playhouses, ii. 549, 555.

Ladies of Bed Chamber, i. 44, 54;
  of Drawing Chamber, i. 54;
  of Presence Chamber, i. 45;
  of Privy Chamber, i. 44, 54.

Lady Elizabeth's men, ii. 246-60.

Lady Essex's men, ii. 103.

Lady Warwick's men, ii. 99.

Lampo, iv. 365.

Lane's men, ii. 96.

Lavoltas, i. 198; iii. 241, 435.

Lawsuits of players, ii. 23, 43, 57, 64, 80, 128, 131, 156, 202, 221, 236-40, 241-3, 383, 387-93, 398-400, 414, 424, 445, 515-17.

Leap-year, in plays, iii. 253, 292, 440; iv. 21, 29.

Learned counsel, i. 69.

Leicester's boys, ii. 88.

Leicester's men, ii. 85-91.

Length of plays, ii. 543, 556.

Lennox's men, ii. 241.

Lent, restraint in, i. 286, 297, 301, 315; ii. 141-2, 159-60; iv. 256, 278, 297, 332, 336, 342.

Liaison, iii. 200.

'Liberties', ii. 477-80.

Licences, for plays, by high commission, i. 275;
  by local officers, i. 276;
  by master of revels, i. 318; ii. 222; iii. 276;
  by privy council, i. 275;
  by secondaries of the compter, i. 275;
  by sovereign, i. 275;
  by special commission, i. 295, 319;
  by Samuel Daniel, ii. 49;
  for playhouses, by local officers, i. 276, 279, 299, 306, 337;
  by master of revels, i. 288, 295;
  by privy council, i. 300;
  for playing companies, by lords, i. 266, 270, 274, 276, 279, 286, 294, 299, 304, 310, 335, 337, 354; ii. 222;
  by master of revels, i. 288; ii. 221;
  by privy council, i. 274, 300; ii. 94, 123;
  under signet, i. 306, 338; ii. 260;
  for printing books, by correctors, iii. 162-77, 187-92;
  by high commission, iii. 162, 166-8;
  by lord chamberlain, iii. 192;
  by master of revels, iii. 158, 169, 191, 258;
  by privy council, iii. 159-63, 168;
  by sovereign, iii. 160;
  by Stationers' company, iii. 162-77, 187-92;
  subject to conditions, iii. 169, 188-90.
  See Censorship, Deputations, Exemplifications, Patents, Restraints.

Liebeskampff, ii. 285.

Lighting of plays, i. 225, 227; ii. 541, 543, 556; iv. 372.

Lincoln's Inn, i. 222; iii. 260; iv. 127.

Lincoln's men, ii. 96.

Lion-baiting, ii. 454.

Lists for tilt, i. 140.

Livery of Household, i. 51, 539;
  of players, i. 311, 313;
  ii. 82, 86, 105, 107, 211, 229, 239.

Local players, i. 280, 310, 328.

Locality, indicated in dialogue, iii. 41, 127;
  change of, iii. 18, 25, 34, 36, 38-9, 43, 102, 121. See Edge, Foreshortening, Juxtaposition, Labels, Multiple, Split Scenes, Unity.

Loggia, iii. 25, 32, 36, 43.

Long Parliament, plays suppressed by, i. 306, 387.

Lord Lieutenant, plays licensed by, i. 276.

Lord Mayor's show, i. 135-8;
  iii. 305, 443, 445, 448, 455, 463;
  iv. 72.

Lords of Misrule, i. 19, 135;
  iv. 55, 71, 80, 200.

Lords of players, i. 266, 270, 274, 276, 279, 286, 294, 299, 304, 310, 335, 337, 354;
  ii. 3, 221; iii. 180, 188;
  iv. 205, 210, 230, 237, 263, 264, 268, 293, 298, 316, 319, 320, 324, 326, 328, 334, 337.

Lords' rooms, ii. 531, 535-7;
  iii. 118; iv. 366.

Lost plays (list), iv. 398-404.

Lotteries, iv. 67, 400.

Lumi artificiali, iv. 355, 363.

Luoghi deputati, iii. 6.

Lutenists, i. 49; ii. 31, 277.


Machines, i. 179, 184, 232, 233;
  iii. 77, 97, 282, 376, 378-9, 383, 386;
  iv. 370, 371.

Maids of Honour, i. 45; iii. 514;
  iv. 114, 352.

'Maisons', iii. 16.

Managers of companies, i. 352; ii. 219, 238-9.

Manuscript plays (list), iv. 404-6.

Manuscripts used by players, iii. 193-7;
  iv. 4, 32, 43, 45.

Maps and plans of London, ii. 353-5,
376-9, 433.

Marprelate controversy, i. 261, 294;
  ii. 18, 110, 412; iii. 450;
  iv. 229-33.

Mascarade, i. 176.

'Mask', etymology of, i. 153.

Masks, i. 75, 76, 78, 79, 86, 100, 149-212;
  iii. 500;
  characters in,