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i. 264; iv. 239;
  courtiers, iii. 310;
  French, i. 323; ii. 53; iii. 257, 426;
  Henri IV, ii. 53;
  James, i. 325-8; ii. 53;
  humours, i. 263;
  lawyers, iii. 365, 475;
  magistrates, iv. 254;
  persons of honour, i. 321, 324, 327; ii. 343; iii. 455, 496; iv. 332;
  Poles, iii. 455;
  Puritans, i. 261, 262, 294; iii. 372, 476; iv. 229-33, 245, 249;
  Scotch, i. 323, 326; ii. 51; iii. 254, 286, 354, 432;
  soldiers, iii. 365;
  sovereigns, i. 327-8, 493; iv. 247, 254;
  Spanish, i. 323;
  Swedish, i. 324;
  usurers, iii. 286, 288; iv. 239;
  women, iii. 417; &c., &c.
  See Marprelate, Sedition.

Satyre, iv. 362.

Saxony, players at court of, ii. 288-9.

Scale (steps), iv. 358.

Scena, ii. 539; iii. 3.

Scenae trigemina corona, i. 251.

Scenarie, iv. 404.

Scene, iv. 353-65.

Scenes, as background for stage, i. 233; iii. 12, 129; iv. 366, 370, 371, 372;
  for masks, i. 155, 170-84;
  as divisions of play, iii. 50, 125, 131, 199;
  types of, iii. 50-68, 106.
  See Perspective.

Scenic presentation. See Staging.

Schoolboy plays, i. 378; ii. 11, 69-76; iii. 211.

Scotland, players in, i. 341; ii. 78, 265-70.

Scriveners' copies of plays, iii. 193.

Seasons for plays, i. 329.

Seats on stage, ii. 534-8; iv. 366-8.

Secondaries of the Compter, plays licensed by, i. 275.

Secretaries of State, i. 48, 56, 67, 68.

Secretarii, i. 55, 56.

Sedie (seats), iv. 355, 358.

Sedilia, ii. 530.

Sedition in plays, i. 264, 266, 271, 273, 275, 283, 295, 299; iii. 453-5; iv. 322.
  See Politics, Restraints, Satire, Theology.

'Senate houses', i. 231; iii. 44, 58, 95.

Serjeants, i. 34, 42;
  at Arms, i. 47.

Servitors in playhouses. See Attendants.

Setting of plays. See Staging.

Sewers for Chamber, i. 46.

'Shadow', ii. 544.

Sharers, i. 352-8, 369; iv. 369.

Sharers Papers of 1635, i. 357; ii. 59, 384, 417, 425, 508-10.

Shepherds, king and queen of, iv. 66.

Ship-board scenes, iii. 116.

Shoes, in play, ii. 326, 365; iii. 362.

Shops on stage, iii. 59, 110.

Shorthand, plays reported by, iii. 185, 343-4.

Shrovetide, i. 20, 213; iv. 237.

Shrove-Tuesday riots, i. 265; ii. 240.

'Side' of stage, iii. 74.

Siege scenes, iii. 38, 54, 96.

Signet, Clerks of, i. 48, 57.

Signet licences for players, i. 306, 338;
  ii. 260.

Signs of theatres, ii. 362, 400, 424.

Silver mine, satire of, in play, ii. 53.

Sinking curtains, iii. 9, 30.

Size of companies, i. 354.

Small seals, i. 56.

Smoking in playhouse, ii. 548;
  iv. 367.

'Solace' of queen, i. 267, 292.

'Soundings' in playhouse, ii. 542;
  iii. 72; iv. 368.

Sovereign, plays licensed by, i. 275.

Spain, players in, ii. 292.

Spanish landings in Cornwall, iv. 251.

Spectators, rôle of, in mask, i. 150, 153, 155, 197.

'Split' scenes, iii. 86.

Square playhouse, ii. 439, 524.

Stage, structure of, ii. 528.

Stage-directions, nature of, iii. 180, 193-8;
  players named in, iii. 196, 227, 271, 285, 295, 330;
  iv. 32, 43, 45.

Stagekeepers, ii. 109, 541; iv. 38.

Staging, in Italy, iii. 2-12;
  iv. 353-65;
  in France, iii. 12-19;
  at court, iii. 19-46;
  in 16th century, iii. 47-102;
  in 17th century, iii. 103-30;
  in private theatres, iii. 130-54;
  change of locality the problem of, iii. 18, 99, 121-30. See Above, Academic, Alcove, Alternationist, Animals, Arbours, Arras, Atmospheric, Back cloths, Beam, Bears, Bed, Black, Canopy, Castles, Close walk, Counting house, Curtains, Descents, Diagrams, Discoveries, Domus, Doors, Edge, [Greek: Ekkyklêma], End, Entrance, Excursions, Fore-shortening, Hangings, Heavens, Hell, Houses, Hut, Interior action, Interludes, Juxtaposition, Locality, Machines, Multiple, Out-of-doors, Over, Perspective, Place, Posts, Properties, Rake, Recesses, Rivers, Rushes, Scenes, Senate