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'Traverse', i. 181; iii. 25, 78, 234, 279, 282, 434; iv. 59.

Treason, executions for, iii. 286, 433, 440, 491.

Treasurer, Lord High, i. 54, 67;
  of Chamber, i. 54-67, 217; iv. 132-5;
  of Household, i. 35, 37, 55, 67.

Trees on stage, iii. 52, 89, 107.

Trionfi, i. 152.

Truchmen, i. 163, 165, 166, 190.

Trumpets in playhouse, iv. 367.

Tumblers. See Activities.

Tuono (thunder), iv. 365.

Turkish rope-dancer, ii. 111, 261, 550.

Twelfth Night, i. 19, 205, 213; iii. 281.


Unchastity in plays, i. 252, 255, 258, 282-3, 304.

'Understanders', ii. 527.

Unity of place, iii. 18, 22, 29, 34, 36, 40, 121, 134.
  See Locality.

Universities, public plays within, ii. 100, 113, 213; iii. 469;
  criticism of plays at, i. 249.

University receptions, i. 127.

Unlocated scenes, iii. 50.

Upper rooms, ii. 387.

Upper stage, iii. 120, 153.

Ursarii, ii. 449.


Vaux's men, ii. 103.

'Veil', iii. 80.

Verge, iii. 387.

Versurae (wings), iii. 3, 11, 100.

Vexillatores, ii. 547.

Viae ad forum, iii. 4, 100.

'Vice', iii. 317, 412, 437, 466, 504, 505; iv. 3, 6, 7, 9, 229, 233.

Vice-Chamberlain of household, i. 41, 67.

Vitruvius on stage, iii. 3.

Vizards, i. 151, 196, 371; iii. 241, 376, 387; iv. 38.

'Void', i. 152.

Vuota di dicitori (tiring room?), iv. 364.


Wager paid in play, iv. 181.

Wager plays, ii. 297, 468, 554.

'Wages' at court, i. 51.

Wagner Book, iii. 71,

'Walls', ii. 36, 39, 44;
  iii. 54, 72, 96, 106.

Wardrobe as organ of administration, i. 55.

Wardrobe, Great, i. 72, 80, 90, 94, 211.

Wardrobe officers, i. 42, 56.

Warwick's men, ii. 97-9.

Watching Chamber, i. 13.

Water triumphs, i. 123, 134, 138;
  iv. 72, 73, 74, 103, 124, 127.

Watermen, i. 63, 296; ii. 121, 370;
  iv. 312, 368.

Waymaker, i. 108, 116.

Weddings at court, iii. 233, 239, 241, 245, 260, 276, 351, 378, 381, 388, 393;
  iv. 82, 83, 86, 87, 94, 99, 109, 112, 113, 119, 120, 122, 123, 127, 128, 129.

Welsh play, iii. 457.

Westminster, children of, ii. 69-73.

White staves, i. 39, 205, 226.

Whitefriars, children of, ii. 55.

Whitefriars playhouse, ii. 515-17.

Wild men. See Woodwoses.

'Windows', iii. 42, 58, 95, 98, 116, 119, 153.

Windsor chapel, children of, ii. 61-4.

'Wings', iii. 100.

Withdrawing Chamber, i. 14.

Wits engraving, ii. 519.

Women on stage, i. 371; iii. 296.

Woodcuts in plays, iii. 210, 322, 328;
  iv. 20.

'Woodwoses', i. 123-4, 135, 194;
  iv. 65, 66.

Worcester's men, ii. 220-9.

Works, office of, i. 49, 80, 90, 211, 226.


'Yard', ii. 527.

Yeomen of Chamber, i. 44;
  of Crown, i. 47;
  of Guard, i. 47, 63;
  of Revels, i. 72, 94.

Yeomen Ushers of Chamber, i. 45, 47, 69;
  iv. 353.

'Young minstrels', ii. 13, 31-2.


Zoglia (lintle), iii. 21.