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which Heywood wrote additions for Worcester's in 1602 (Greg, Henslowe, ii. 187, 221, 231). There is, of course, no particular reason why a play by Derby's should appear in Henslowe's diary at all. They were in London in the winters of 1599-1600 and 1600-1. The only link between them and Henslowe is Heywood, if he was the author of their Edward IV (q.v.). Fleay, i. 289, thinks that the present play may be by the same hands. Probably the Earl of Derby himself wrote for the company. The Trial of Treasure > 1567

1567. A new and mery Enterlude, called the Triall of Treasure, newly set foorth, and neuer before this tyme imprinted. Thomas Purfoot. [Arrangement for 5 actors; Prologue and Epilogue, headed 'Praie for all estates'.] Editions by J. O. Halliwell (1850, Percy Soc. xxviii), in Dodsley^4, iii (1874), and by J. S. Farmer (1908, T. F. T.Dissertation: W. W. Greg, The T. of T., 1567—A Study in Ghosts (1910, 3 Library, i. 28). Greg shows that there was only one edition, not two, of 1567. The play is a non-controversial morality, and may very well date from about 1567. 1 Troilus and Cressida. 1599 (?) [MS.] Add. MS. 10449. [A fragmentary 'plot' without title, probably from Dulwich.] The text is given by Greg, Henslowe Papers, 142, who infers from the names of the characters that it may have been the Troilus and Cressida written by Chettle and Dekker for the Admiral's in April 1599. The few names of actors are not inconsistent with this (cf. ch. xiii). The Valiant Welshman. 1610 < > 15

S. R. 1615, Feb. 21 (Buck). 'A play called the valiant welshman.' Robert Lownes (Arber, iii. 564). 1615. The Valiant Welshman, Or The True Chronicle History of the life and valiant deedes of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales. As it hath beene sundry times Acted by the Prince of Wales his seruants. Written by R. A. Gent. George Purslowe for Robert Lownes. [Epistle to the Reader; Induction; Epilogue.] 1663. For William Gilbertson.

Editions by V. Kreb (1902) and J. S. Farmer (1913, S. F. T.).

Borrowings from Ben Jonson's Alchemist (1610) require a late date, and the assertion of Fleay, i. 26, that this is The Welshman revived by the Admiral's on 29 Nov. 1595 may be disregarded (Greg, Henslowe, ii. 178). There is nothing, beyond the initials, to connect the play with Robert Armin, and Kreb would assign it to some young University man.