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Elvetham Entertainment. 1591

S. R. 1591, Oct. 1. 'The honorable entertaynement gyven to the quenes maiestie in progresse at Elvetham in Hampshire by the righte honorable the Erle of Hertford.' John Wolf (Arber, ii. 596). 1591. The Honorable Entertainement gieuen to the Queenes Maiestie in Progresse, at Eluetham in Hampshire, by the right Honorable the Earle of Hertford. John Wolfe. [There appear to be two editions or issues, (a) without and (b) with a woodcut of the pond.] 1591. . . . Newly corrected and amended. [This has a woodcut of the pond, different from that in (1) (b).] Editions by J. Nichols, Eliz. ii. (1788), iii. 101 (1823), and R. W. Bond, Lyly, i. 431. Elizabeth was at Elvetham 20-23 Sept. 1591. The host was Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford. A Three Men's Song of Phillida and Coridon, which formed part of the Entertainment, is ascribed in England's Helicon (1600) and MSS. to Nicholas Breton. Bond ascribes the Entertainment to Lyly. An account of the amusements is in ch. iv. Bisham, Sudeley, and Rycote Entertainments. 1592

1592. Speeches deliuered to her Maiestie this last progresse, at the Right Honorable the Lady Russels, at Bissam, the Right Honorable the Lorde Chandos at Sudley, at the Right Honorable the Lord Norris, at Ricorte. Joseph Barnes, Oxford. [There appear to be two issues, with slight variants.] Editions by J. Nichols, Eliz.^2 iii. 130 (1823), Sir S. E. Brydges (1815), and R. W. Bond, Lyly, i. 471 (1902). Bisham

The hosts were Sir Edward Hoby and his mother, Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell.

21 Aug. 1592. On arrival, at the top of the hill, speech by a Wild Man; at the middle of the hill, dialogue of Pan and two Virgins, Sybilla and Isabella; at the foot of the hill, ditty by Ceres and Nymphs in a harvest-cart, followed by speech and gift of crown of wheat-ears and jewel.


The host was Giles Brydges, third Lord Chandos.

10 Sept. 1592. Speech of old Shepherd at entry to castle.

11 Sept. Show of Apollo and Daphne, with gift of tables of verses.

12 Sept. Contemplated Presentation of High Constable of Cotswold, and Choosing of King and Queen by Shepherds, with song and dialogue of Melibœus, Nisa, and Cutter of Cotswold—prevented by weather.


The host was Henry, Lord Norris.

28 Sept. 1592. On arrival from Oxford, speech by an Old Gentleman [Lord Norris].