Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/87

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The diary is:

31 May 1610. City reception with water pageant.

4 June. Creation.

5 June. Daniel's mask.

6 June. Tilt; fireworks; sea-fight.

Marriage of Frederick and Elizabeth. 1613

The most important descriptions, besides the masks of Campion, Beaumont, and Chapman (q.v.), are.


S. R. 1613, Feb. 18 (Mokett). 'A booke called The Mariage of the twoo great prynces Ffriderick Counte Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth &c with the shewes and fierwoorkes on the Water, the maskes and Revels at the Courte.' William Barley (Arber, iii. 516). 1613. The Magnificent Marriage of the two great princes Frederick Count Palatine, &c. and the Lady Elizabeth, Daughter to the Imperial Majesties of King James and Queen Anne, to the Comfort of All Great Britain. Now the second time imprinted, with many new additions of the same Tryumphes, performed by the Gentlemen of the Innes of Court in the Kings Pallace at Whitehall. T. C. for W. Barley. [Nichols says that a manuscript copy of the first edition is in Addl. MS. 5767.] Editions in W. Scott, Somers Tracts (1809-15), iii. 35, and Nichols, James (1828), ii. 536. B 1613. Heavens Blessing and Earths Joy: or, a True Relation of the Supposed Sea-Fights and Fire-Workes as were Accomplished before the Royall Celebration of the All-beloved Marriage of the two Peerlesse Paragons of Christendome, Fredericke and Elizabeth. By John Taylor, the Water Poet. For Joseph Hunt, sold by John Wright.

1630. [Part of Taylor's Works.]

Edition in Nichols, James (1828), ii. 527.


1613. Beschreibung der Reiss: Empfahung des Ritterlichen Ordens: Volbringung des Heyraths: vnd glückliche Heimführung: Wie auch der ansehnlichen Einführung, gehaltene Ritterspiel vnd Freudenfests des Durchleuchtigsten Hochgeboren Fürsten und Herrn Friedrichen des Fünften . . . mit der . . . Princessin Elisabethen. G. Vögelin, Heidelberg. [Of this there is also a French translation, Les Triomphes . . . pour le Mariage et Reception de Monseigneur le Prince Frederic V . . . et de Madame Elisabeth. 1613.]


A distinct French account in Mercure François, iii. 72.