Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/92

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Aug. 7. Paul's.

Aug. 10. Hampton Court.[1]

Aug. 17- > 23. Visit to West Horsley (Lord Clinton), with mask (Shipmen and Country Maids).[2]

Sept. 28. Whitehall.[3]

Nov. 5. Tilt.[4]

Dec. 31. Play (Chapel?) and mask (Clowns or Nusquams?).[5]


Jan. 1. Mask (Barbarians) for John Duke of Finland.[6]

Jan. 6. Masks (Patriarchs, Italian Women).

Feb. 25 (S.S.) or 26. Mask (Nusquams or Clowns?).

Feb. 27. Masks (Diana and Nymphs, Actaeon?).

Apr. 10. Morris and 'queen' from London to court.[7]

Apr. 21. Tilt.[8]

Apr. 24 < > 27. Visit to Deptford.[9]

Apr. 28. Tilt.[10]

May 14. Greenwich.[11]

c. May 24. Visit to Westminster?[12]

c. May. Visit to Eltham.[13]

July 29. Richmond by Lambeth (Abp. Parker).[14]

Aug. 3. Oatlands.[15]

Aug. 5-30. Progress in Surrey and Hants.[16] Sutton Place, Woking (Sir Henry Weston, Aug. 5), Farnham (Bp. Winchester, Aug. 7, 8), Rotherfield (John? Norton), Southwick (John White), Portsmouth, Netley Castle (Aug. 12-13), Southampton (Aug. 13-16), Winchester (Aug. 16-23), Micheldever (Edmund Clerk, Aug. 23), Basing (Marquis of Winchester, Aug. 23-28), Odiham (Chidiock Paulet?), Hartley Wintney (Sir John Mason?), Bagshot (Sir Henry Weston?).

Aug. 30. Windsor.[17]

  1. Procl. 513; Machyn, 206.
  2. C. A.; Procl. 514; S. P. F. (Aug. 16; S. P. D. (Aug. 23); Machyn, 207 (app. Aug. 15 in error); Nichols, i. 75; Feuillerat, Eliz. 105. Quadra (Aug. 18, C. D. I. lxxxvii. 231), 'Los Embajadores de Suecia se van muy quejosos y agraviados porque creo que ha llegado á su noticia que burlaban en Palacio dellos, y la Reina mejor que los demás' hardly bears out the interpretation of M. A. S. Hume, Courtships of Elizabeth, 32, that the ridicule was in a mask.
  3. Sp. P. i. 98; Sadler Papers, i. 462.
  4. Machyn, 216.
  5. Machyn, 221, 'the plaers plad suche matter that they wher commondyd to leyff off, and contenent the maske cam in dansyng'.
  6. Machyn, 221.
  7. Machyn, 230.
  8. Machyn, 231.
  9. C. A.; Machyn, 232.