Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/260

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Marcus Antoninus's

XXX. God, or the Soul of the Universe is of a sociable Disposition : For this reason he has made the coarser Part of the Creation, for the sake of the Finer. And as for those Beings of the higher Rank, he has engaged them to each other by Inclination. You see how admirably Things are ranged, and sorted, according to the Dignity of their Kind ; and cemented together by Nature, and Benevolence !

XXXI. Recollect how you have behav'd your self all along, towards the Gods, your Parents, Brothers, Wife and Children; towards your Instructors , Governors, Friends, Acquaintance and Servants: Whether you have not done, or said something unbecoming to some of them. Recoiled how much business you have been engag'd in, and how well you have gone through it : That now your Task is done, and the History of your Life finish'd. Remember likewise , how much Bravery you can make out, how much of Pleasure, and Pain, and Grandeur, you have despis'd; and how often you have done Good against Evil.

XXXII. Why should Skill and Knowledge be disturb'd at the Censures of Ignorance ? But you'l say, who are these Knowing, and Skilful People? Why those
