Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/386

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Marcus Antoninus's

VI. As to Dramatick Performances, Tragedy appear'd first. The Design of them was to show the Misfortunes of Life were Customary and Common. That thus the Fiction might reconcile them to the Reality ; and that what diverted them upon the Stage, might surprize them the less when they met with it in the World. Thus People see there's no living without Accidents ; Mortifications, and severe ones too, will happen; Kings and Princes can't stand clear of them. And to give the Stage-Poets their due, they have some sententious and serviceable Passages; as for Instance,

If I, and mine, are by the Gods neglected, There's reason for their Rigour.


Ne're quarrel Accidents, for Things are sullen, And don't regard your Anger;

Once more;

Fate Mowes down Life like Corn, this Mortal falls, And to'ther stands a while. [1]

These Instances may suffice, otherwise I might go on with them: Next to Tragedy, Old Comedy took a turn upon the Stage; And here Pride and Ambition was lash'd

  1. Eurip. Hypsipyl. See Book 7. Sect. 39. 41, 42.