Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/55

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The Life of the Emperour.

was Prætor [1] and Senator, and his Grandfather thrice Consul and Governour of Rome. His Father died in his Prætorship and left Issue Anna Cornificia ; and Annius Verus, who is the same with our Marcus Aurelius; his Aunt, or Father's Sister, Annia Galeria Faustina; was married to the Emperour Antoninus Pius. So much for his Father's Family : His Mother Domitia, Calvilla, Lucilla, was extracted from Malennius, a Prince of the Salentines : [2] She was Daughter to Calvisius Tullus, who had been twice Consul, and Granddaughter to Catilius Severus, who had likewise been twice Consul and Governour of Rome.

Marcus Aurelius was born at Mount Celius, the 25th of April, [3] in the Second Consulship of his Mother's Grandfather, and from him had the Name of Catilius Severus. Afterwards the Emperour Adrian call'd him Annius Verissimus, in allusion to his Disposition ; and the remarkable regard he so early discover'd for Honesty, and Truth. [4] But after his Minority was somewhat worn off, and he was admitted to put on a Mans Habit ? [5] He took the Name of his Family, and was call'd Annius Verus, till he was Adopted by the Emperour Antoninus Pius, and transplanted into the Family of the Aurelii, from which time he was known by the Name of Mar-

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  1. A Prætor was somewhat of the Nature of a Lord Chief Justice, but much greater, both in Figure and Authority.
  2. The Territory of Otranto in Italy. Capitol.
  3. An. Dom. 121. Capitol.
  4. Dio.
  5. Toga virilis.