After the Death of this Prince the Senate prevail'd with Marcus Aurelius to take the Government upon him. [1] And here the first Act of his Imperial Authority was to grant it to an Assistant; for he made Lucius Verus his Partner, gave him the Tribunician Power, the Title of Emperour, and an equal share with himself in the Administration. [2] This was the first time Rome was ever govern'd by two Soveraigns. A sight extraordinary enough in any place, especially in a Town where the Choice of a single Prince, had often occasion'd so much Confusion and Blood-shed.
The same day Marcus Aurelius took the Name of Antoninus, and gave it to his Colleague Verus, to whom he contracted his Daughter Lucilla. [3] And as a mark of their Satisfastion in this Alliance and the good Correspondence between them; they setled a considerable Fund for the support of those who were lately Naturaliz'd, and at that time very numerous. The two Emperours upon their going out of the Senate-House, had the Guards drawn up before them, to whom they gave a Largess or Bounty of five hundred Crowns a Man, and proportionably to the Officers. This being done they proceeded to the Funeral Solemnity of their Father the late Emperour, whose Corps they carried to