Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 1.djvu/46

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Kenan, eight hundred and fifteen years,—and begat sons and daughters; 11 and all the days of Enosh were、 nine hundred and five years,—and he died.

12 And Kenan lived seventy years,—and begat Mahalalel; 13 and Kenan lived、 after he begat Mahalalel, eight hundred and forty years,—and begat sons and daughters; 14 and all the days of Kenan were、 nine hundred and ten years,—and he died.

15 And Mahalalel lived、 sixty-five years,—and begat Jared; 16 and Mahalalel lived、 after he begat Jared, eight hundred and thirty years,—and begat sons and daughters; 17 and all the days of Mahalalel were、 eight hundred and ninety-five years,—and he died.

18 And Jared lived、 a hundred and sixty-two years, and begat Enoch; ^919 and Jared lived after he begat Enoch, eight hundred years,—and begat sons and daughters; 20 and all the days of Jared were、 nine hundred and sixty-two years,—and he died. -1 And Enoch lived, sixty-five years, — and begat Methuselah; "--and Enoch walked with" God. after he begat Methuselah, three hundred years, — and begat sons and daughters ; -•' and all the days of Enoch were, three hundred and sixty- five years; 24 and Enoch walked with" God, and was not for God had taken' him. -'> And Methuselah lived, a liundred and eighty- seven years, — and begat Lamech ; -^and Methu- selah lived, after he begat Lamech, seven hundred and eighty-two ycats, — and begat sons and daughters ; 27 and all the days of Methu- selah were, nine hundred and sixty-nine years, — and he died. -8 And Lamech lived, a hundred and eighty-two years,— and begat a son; 29 and he called his name Noah, saying, — li This II one shall give us rest from<^ our work,*! And from the grievous toil of our hands, By reason of the ground which Yahweh hath cursed. ® ■'" And Lamech lived, after he begat Noah, five imndred and ninety-five years,— and begat sous and daugiiters ; ^i and all the days of Lamech were, seven hundred and seventy-seven years,-- and he died. •'- fAnd Noah was five hundred years old, — and Noah begat Shem,8 Ham and Jajihoth.' §0. An adulterous Union of the two Races makes way for the Flood. 3 ' And it came to pass <when men had begun to multiply on the face of the ground and | daugh- ters! I'ad been born to them> 2 that | the sons of God 1 .saw' 1 the daughters of men | that they' ■Ml: "Walked to and ' N.B. : a ray of Me.«sianic fro " = lived in fellowship hope, as if Noah, perhaps, with. mig'ht be the woman's •> " Rest" or "consolation." promised seed. ■= So it shd be (,w. Sep.) — fM.C T. begins a now sec- G.n. (So Gt. — G.r.n.) tion here.

  • Some cod. (w. Jerus. Cod., k " Celebrity."

1 ear. pr.' edn., Sam., " Swarthy " or "hi t." Sep., Syr.): "works" ' " E.teiision." (pl.)-O.r.n. were Hfairll, — so they took to themstdves wives of whomsoever they chose. * And Yah- weh said — My spirit shall not rule in" man to times age- abiding, for that ||he al.sol! is flesh, — Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. 4 II The giants 11 were in the earth in those days, and also | after that], <when the sons of God began to go in unto the daughters of men, and -sons were born to them> || the same |1 were the heroes that were from age-past times, the men of i-enown. ^ Then Yahweh saw that llgreatii was the wickedness of man in the earth, and that |! every purpose of the devices of his heart!! was only wicked all the day; and it grieved Yahweh that he had made man in the earth,— and he took sorrow unto his heart. And Yahweh said — I must wipe off man whom I created, from off the face of the ground, from man unto beast, unto creei>ing thing and unto the bird of the heavens, — for I am grieved that I made them. 8 But II Noah il had found favour, in the eyes of Yahweh. §7. One FamiJy to he sated: the World to be destroyed an Ark appointed, and made ready. ^ llTheseJI are the generations of Noah, ||Noah|| was I a righteous man, blameless | in his genei-a- tions, - <with God> did Noah walk. <* i" And Noah begat three sons, — Shem, Ham and Japheth. 11 And the earth " ci iiTupted itself before God,— and the earth" was filled with violence. 12 And God beheld the earth, and lo ! it had corrupted itself, — surely all flesh had corrupted' its way, on the earth. 13 80 God said unto Noah : II The end of all flesh II hath come in before me, for II filled li is the earth" with violence because of them, — behold me then, destroy- ing them with the earth." 1* Make for thee an ark of timbers of gopher, <rooms> shalt thou make with the ark, — and thou shalt cover it, within and without, with pitch. 1= And II this || is how thou shalt make it, — 1| three hundred cubitslj the length of the ark, Itfifty cubitslj the breadth there- of, and lltiiirty cubitsli the height thereof. 1' <A place for light> shalt thou make to the ark, and <to a cubit> shalt thou finish it upwards, and <the opening of the ark — in the side thereof > shalt thou put, — <with lower, second^ and third [stories]> shalt Difficult." "Abide in" So in Cod. Ilallel (w. 5 car. pr. edns.) But some cod, (w. 4 ear. pr. e ins.l : " in their goin;^ aslriy ho [i.e.. the man] is flesh " —G.r.n., G. Intro. 514, .542. Or : "geneses." ' Cp. rhap. V. 22, 21 -same word here. Or: "laud." [i/d Jot for i/ddon by Aramaism] "best suits the context," but " is dubious " ; " rule in, supported by Zech. iii. 7 only"; '^ huiuh/i'd in, sustained by Aramaic usage, but not by Hebrew " ; " .itiivc with, hardly justified "-O.G. condensed.