Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/63

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MARK XVI. 15—20. LUKE I. 1—17.

among the dead]| they believed not; 15 and he said unto them — Go ye into all the world, and proclaim the glad-message |to the whole' creation|: 16||He that hath believed^ and been immersed|| shall be saved; but |he that hath disbe- lieved| shall be condemned : 17|Signs| moreover^ shall follow |them who have believed| — these : — |In my name| shall they cast |demons| out, |With tongues| » shall they speak, — [And |in their hands|] they shall take up |serpents|; 18And <if |any deadly thing| they have drunk> |in nowise| shall it |hurt| them : ||Upon sick persons|| shall they lay |hands|^ and |well| shall they remain. 19||The Lord [Jesus]|| therefore^ on the one hand^ |after talking with them| was taken up into heaven," and sat down on the right hand of God : b 20||They|| on the other hand, going forth, pro- claimed on every side, |the Lord| co-working, and confirming |the word| through ]the closely following signs|.";]] d.


[[||All the things given in charge unto the com- panions of Peter|| they concisely reported. But |after these things| ||Jesus also, himself|| <from east even unto west> sent forth |through them| ||the sacred' and incorruptible' proclamation of the age-abiding' salvation||.]]



§ 1. The Prologue.

1<Seeing, indeed, that |many| had taken in hand to re-arrange for themselves a narrative, concerning the facts which have been fully con- firmed amongst us, — 2 according as they who from the beginning became eye-witnesses and attendants of the Word delivered them unto us> 3 it seemed good |even to me| <having closely traced from the outset all things accurately> to write unto thee |in order|, most excellent Theophilus : 4 that <as touching the matters which thou hadst been taught by word of mouth> thou mightest obtain full knowledge ||of the certainty||

§ 2. Zachariah and Elizabeth.

5 It came to pass |in the days of Herod, king of Judaea| that there was a certain priest, by name Zachariah, of the daily course of Abia ; and that he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and |her name| was Elizabeth. 6 Now they were both righteous before God, walking in all' the commandments and righteous appointments of the Lord, blameless ; 7 and they had no child, inasmuch as Elizabeth was barren, and ||both|| had become |advanced in their days|. 8 But it came to pass <as he was doing priestly service in the order of his daily course, before God, 9 according to the custom of his priest- hood> it fell to his lot to offer incense, entering into the Temple of the Lord ; 10 and |all the throng of the people| was praying outside, at the hour of the incense offering. 11 And there appeared unto him a messenger* of the Lord, standing on the right hand of the altar of in- cense; 12 and Zachariah was troubled when he beheld, and |fear| fell upon him. 13 But the messenger said unto him — Do not fear, Zachariah ! Inasmuch as thy supplication hath been hearkened to, — And |thy wife Elizabeth| shall bring forth a son to thee, And thou shalt call his name |John|; 14 And there shall be joy to thee and exulting. And |many| over his birth |shall rejoice|; 15For he shall be great before the Lord, And |wine and strong drink| in nowise may he drink, And |with Holy Spirit| shall he be filled, |already| from his mother's womb|; 16 And |many of the Sons of Israel| shall he turn towards the Lord their God ; 17 And ||he|| shall go before him |in the spirit and power of Elijah|, — = To turn the hearts of fathers unto children^ And the unyielding, into the prudence of the righteous,

• Or (WH) : " With new tongues." • Op. 2 K. 11. n. " !'.'«. ex. 1. ' Or (WH) add : " Amen." d WH thus shew their con- clusion that neltuer this nor the next account can be regarded as part of the original second Gos- pel. See Ap ; " Mark."

» Ap • " Messenger."

  • • Nu. vl. 3 ; 1 S. 1. U (Sep.).

• Mai. Iv. S f.