Page:The Emu volume 13.djvu/9

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About Members, 104, 227.

Acanthiza, The, of Flinders Island, 58.

Amytornis woodwardi in the Northern Territory, Search for, 188.

Austral Avian Record, The, 53.

"Australian Nature Stories for Children," 218.

Avium paradiseum, 196.

Bird-Life of Kow Plains (Victoria), 33.

Bird-Life on White Island (N.Z.), 86.

Bird Observers' Club, 59.

Birds and Sheep-Flies, 233.

Birds of Melville Island, 219.

Birds of Moora (W.A. ) and District, 75.

Birds of Peel Island, 93.

Birds of the Brunnette Downs (N. T. ), 205.

Black-eared Cuckoo (Mesocalius palliolatus), 80.

Bower-Bird, Regent (Sericulus chrysocephalus, Lewin), loi.

Brunnette Downs, Birds of the, 205.

Brush-Turkeys in England, 101.

Butcher-Birds' Eggs, Double Clutch of, 194.

Cassowary, Early History of the Australian, 51.

Charcoal in Finches' Nests, 100, 195.

"Check-list," American View of the R.A.O.U., 97.

"Check-list," R.A.O.U., 56, 102, 190, 193.

Cockatoos, White, 101.

Colluricincla woodwardi, Search for Eggs of, 210.

Commonwealth Collection, A, 65.

Correction, A, 195.

Correspondence, 55, 102, 193, 227.

Crake, Notes on the Spotless (Porzana immaculata), 198, 202.

Cuckoo, Black-eared (Mesocalius pallialatus. Lath.), 80.

Description of a New Parrot, 105.

Description of a New Sericornis, 74.

Descriptions of New Eggs, 48.

Descriptions of two New Eggs, 186.

Eagles, 214.

Editorial Change, 233.

Eggs? Do Variations in Seasons Affect the Size of, 48.

Field Notes on Some Rallinæ, 45.

Field Notes on the Spotless Crake (Porzana immaculata), 197.

Field Ornithology in South Australia, 17.

From Magazines, &c., 51, 102, 218.

Game, Keeping Native, 234.

Gosford Scrubs, A Visit to the, 212.

Ground-Parrot, Notes on the Western, 202.

Gymnorhina, spp., The Eggs of, 15.

Honey-eater, New Sub-species of, 187.

Honours for Members of the R.A.O U., 63-

Kingfisher? Is there a Scarlet-breasted, 59-

Kow Plains (Victoria), Bird-Life of, 33.

Leipoa ocellata — Successful Breeding in Captivity, 217.

Magpie a Songster? Is the Australian, 55, 103,

Mathews' Latest List, 233.

Melville Island, Birds of, 219.

Members, Hon. Associate, 233.

Mock-Latin Names, 63.

Montebello Islands, 102.

"Nests and Eggs of Birds Found Breeding in Australia and New Zealand," 54.

New Journal, A, 219.

North Queensland Birds, 227.

Notes and Notices, 63.

Notes on Some North Queensland Birds, 132.

Notes on the Spotless Crake and Western Ground-Parrot, 202.

Obituary Notices, 59, 104, 228.

Osteology of the Red Wattle-Bird (Anthochæra carunculata), 1.

Owl, Boobook, and Frogmouth, 215,

Owlet-Nightjar Nestlings, 216.

Parrot, Description of New, 105.

Parrot, New, for Australia, and Description of Eggs, 187.

Passenger Pigeon, The, 51.

Peel Island, The Birds of, 93.

Penguins of the Antarctic, 220.

Publications Received, 235.

Rallinæ, Field Notes on Some, 45.

Regent Bower- Bird (Sericulus chrysocephalus, Lewin), loi.

Reviews — "Nests and Eggs of Birds Found Breeding in Australia and New Zealand," 54; "Indian Pigeons and Doves," 225; "Colour Standards and Colour Nomenclature," 226.

Rhipidura tricolor. Freak Colours of, 195.

Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union, Adelaide Session, 108; Annual Report, III; Balance-sheet, 112; President's Address, 114; The River Excursion, 118; Birds Identified, Lower Murray Excursion, 122 ; Overland Excursion, 129.