Page:The Emu volume 2.djvu/10

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author, Contents of Vol. II. — 1902-3

Mortlake (Vict.) Notes, 222.

Mutton-Birds, About, 183.

Mutton-Birds, More about, 219.

Mutton-Bird (Puffinus tenuirostris) Rookeries, Phillip Island, Report on, 42, 195.

Nankeen Herons, 106.

Native Companions, Notable Migration of, 174.

Native Companions, 217.

New Members, List of, 231.

North Queensland Notes on Some Migratory Birds, 210.

North-West Cape, Exploration of the, 77.

Notes, &c., 48.

Notes and Observations from the Laun- ceston District to 30th June, 1902, 171

Notices, 124.

November Notes, Some, 176.

Nutmeg Pigeons, The, 175.

Obituary Notice, Dr. Snowball, 47.

Outing, An Interesting, 106.

Parrakeet, The Smutty, 181 ; A "Love- less," 216.

Penguins, i.

Pied Cormorants Nesting in Western Port, 32.

Point Cloates (N.W. Australia), Notes from, 104.

Pretoria Museum and Zoological Gardens, Additions to, 1 17.

Protection of Native Birds, The, 187. Quail, A Late Brood of, 28. Queensland Birds, Partly or Wholly Insectivorous, 1 13.

Queensland Camp Notes, 100.

Rabbit-Poisoning, Effects of on Birds, 30.

Radiated Goshawk and Wood Duck, 99.

Rearing Australian Parrots in England, 180.

Red-capped Robin in N. Queensland, 28.

Reviews — "Catalogue of Birds' Eggs," 38, 229 ; "In the Soudan," 41 ; "Nests and Eggs of Birds," 118 ; "Birds of My Parish, The," 120 ; "Strange Adventures in Dicky- BirdLand," 121 ; "Animal Life," 121.

Rockhampton Notes, 173.

"Royal Society of Tasmania, Proceedings of the," 113.

Sexing Birds, 179.

Season 1901-2 (Somerville, Vict.), 102.

Some Familiar Birds, Notes on, 22.

Some Untenable Names in Ornithology, 37.

South Aust. O, Association, 45, 182.

Stray Feathers, 27, 99, 172, 216.

Swallows, Some Southern, 19.

Swifts Roosting, 31.

Tasmanian Birds at Home, 96.

Tasmanian Birds, Arrivals and De- partures of, III.

Terang (Vict.) Notes, 216.

Victorian Naturalist, 35, 179.

Varied Lorikeet, 218.

Western Notes, 30.

Western Australian Notes, 106, 172.

Western Australian Birds, Field Ob- servations on, 68.

Western Port Notes, 219.

White-faced Ternlets, 106.

White-tailed Cockatoo, Nidification of, 28.

Wild Bird Shows, 109.

Wombat, The, 34.

Wood Ducks Breeding in Captivity, 84.

Wood-Swallows in the Murray District During Winter, 108.

Wood-Swallows, 217.

Zoologist, The, 224.


Nest and Eggs of Emu plate i

Young King Penguin ... plate ii

Tongue of King Penguin plate iii

Egg-mound of Mallee Fowl plate iv

Eggs of Chestnut-backed Quail plate v

Young, in down, of Red-capped Dottrel ... plate vi

Black and White Fantail and Nest plate vi

Nest of Rose-breasted Robin, &c. plate vii

Ornithologists' Camp, Phillip Island plate viii

Little Penguin in Nest, with Young plate ix.

Malurus elizabethæ, M. whitei, M. assimilis plate X

Pheasant Feathers plate xi

Kingfishers' Eggs, Reversion of Colour ... plate xi

Nest of Harrier plate xii

Nest of Rufous Bristle-Bird plate xi