Page:The Emu volume 20.djvu/9

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Aboriginal Names of Birds, 32.

AcaiithizcP, Recent Fignres of, 30.

Acclimatized Birds in Tasmania, 102.

Additions to the Library, 11 i. 254.

Annual Congress and Field Fx- cursion of the K...().r., 114.

Australian Bustard. 241.

Australian Species oi I'lihitiarcs (Petrels and Albatrosses), 14, 66.

Bird Notes from Dookie, 101.

Birds Nesting in the Drought, and its Effects on Same, 34.

Birds Observed during the Visit of the R.A.O.U. to the South- western District : Official Report, 124.

Birds Observed in Western Aus- tralia, from Perth North- wards to Geraldton, Notes on, 130.

Birds of Sydney, The, >i2.

Birds of the Swan River District, Western Australia, The, 149.

Birds Visiting Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea, 227.

Breeding of Bustards, 98.

Bronze-Cuckoo in Western Aus- tralia, The, 192.

Brown Hawk, Nest of the, 103.

Bustard in Western Australia, Clutches of the, 191.

Camera Craft Notes, 39, 107, 245.

Check-list Committee's Report. 122.

Chestnut-shouldered Grass-Parrot near Sydney, The, 92.

Correspondence, 249.

Cuckoos' Eggs, 240.

Death of Member, 250.

Description of New Australian Eggs Collected by F. Lawson Whit- lock, R.A.O.U.. at Dirk Hartog Island, Western Aus- tralia, 186.

Desert Chat, Four Eggs in a Clutch of the, 243.

Dirk Hartog Island and Peron Penin- sula, Shark Bay, Western Australia, Notes on, 168.

Drought Notes from Western New South Wales, 93.

Economic Section, 245.

Extension of Locality, 103.

Food Pellets of Kingfishers, 91.

Forgotten Feathers, 144.

Gang-Gang Cockatoos, 239.

Geobasileus reguloides. Northern Range of, 241.

Ciracemere Bird Reserve, The, 242.

Grass-Wren (Amytornis textiiis). Note on the, 190.

Habits 'of Cockatoos, 239.

Hawk Irruption, A, 243.

"H. L. White Collection," Notes on Additions to the, 49.

Karooka, Notes from, 104.

Little Eagle, The, 33,.

Long-lived Corella, 102.

Lyre-Bird (Menura superba). Dis- covery and Early History and Notes on the, 35.

Macpherson Range Scrub-Birds, 106.

Meniira, A New : Prince Edward's Lyre-Bird, 221.

Musk Lorikeets, Invasion of, 105.

" Mutton-Bird " Pilgrimage, The, 244.

Native Birds Eating the Cattle Tick, 245.

Native Birds in Captivity, 237.

Nests and Eggs Not Previously Described, 193.

New Species of Australian Birds Since the Time of Gould, 96.

New Zealand Avifauna, The Nature of the, 210.

Notes, 112, 192, 255.

Notes from Prairie, N.Q., 241.

Notes on Birds of Prey from Caster- ton, Victoria, 233.

Notes on Birds Seen on the Porongorup Mountains (near Albany), Geraldton, and Ooldea (Transcontinental Line), 140.

Obituary, 48, 253.

One Effect of Land Clearing, 105.

Opsrey Aerie, Cape Mentelle, W.A., 239-

Penguins, 24, 74.