Page:The Emu volume 7.djvu/7

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Abnormal Season, An, 90.
Abrolhos, The, 197.
Acanthornis magna, 92.
Addenda and Corrigenda, 209.
Additions to tlie Avifauna of the County of Cumberland (N.S.W.), 103.
Alexandra Parrakeet, 47.
Annotations, 91.
Ararat District, Birds of, 18.
Australasian Birds in the Breslau Zoological Gardens, 190.
Australasian Ornithologists' Union, Sydney Session, 121 ; Financial Statement, 124 ; Vice-Presidential
Address, 126; Hon. Secretary's Report, 136.
Australian Birds, New, 197.
Autumn Outing, An, 97.
Bee-eater, The, 87.
Bird Illustrations, 169.
Bird-Life on the Buffalo Momitains in March, 40.
Bird-Life Sixty Years Ago, 1.
Bird Observers' Club, 62, 115, 166.
Bird Sanctuary, An Ideal, 108.
Birds from North-West Australia, 138.
Birds Found Breeding near Mackay, North Queensland, 171.
Birds Identified in New South Wales during the Seventh Session of the A.O.U., 184.
Birds in the Vicinity of Break-o'-Day
District, Tasmania, 142.
Birds Occurring in Areas 8 and 9 of Australia, not given in Hall's "Key," 99.
Birds of Boroondaro, 159.
Birds of Spencer Gulf, 159.
Birds of the Carpentaria Region, 106.
Birds of the Philippine Islands, 198.
"Birds of the Weddell aud Adjacent Seas, Antarctic Ocean," 106.
Black-cheeked Falcon and Pigeons, 41.
Black Swans Nesting, 87.
Bristle-Bird, Rufous, 87.
British Museum, 118.
Bronze-wing Pigeon, 47.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 103.
Butcher-Birds Fight, 89.
Caconiautis insperatus, Eggs of the, 106.
Call-Bird, The, 109.
Cape Barren Geese, 36.
Clarke Island ( Strait) Notes, 191.
Cleveland (Tasmania) Migration Notes, 118.
Coach whip- Piird, 47.
Cockatoo, Thw White, 118.
Collector's Difficulties, 169.
Collector's Experience, An Ex-Victorian, 32.
Correspondence, 61, iii, 165.
Crows f. Ravens, 112.
Cuckoo, The, 163.
Cuckoos and Crows, 87.
Cuckoos (Two) Reared in One Nest, 37.
Do Birds Reason ? 38.
Drongo-Shrike, The Spangled, 178.
Eagles, 37.
Emu, Nomenclature of the, 45.
"Feathered Immigrants," 160.
Fields of Research, Some, in.
Fifteen Thousand Acres, On : its Bird-
Life Sixty Years Ago, i.
Finch, Australian, in England, 197.
Finch, Gouldian, 50.
Finch, Yellow-rumped, 105, 117.
Finches and Cuckoos, 187.
Finches, Chestnut-breasted and Yellow-rumped, 51.
Finches, Gouldian, in the P'ield, 104.
Food of the Birds, 79.
Forgotten Feathers, 45, lOl, 193.
From Magazines, &c., 47, 102, 159, 197.
Furneaux Group, Bass Strait, A Visit
to, 181.
" Galdens," a/m.f Gauldings, loi, 170.
Great I'arrier Reef, A Visit to, 176.
H abits of the Birds-of- Paradise and Bower-
Birds of British New Guinea, 103.
Halcyon sancius and Alcyone azurea, 89.
"Handlist to the Birds of Australasia," 170.
Heronries, A Visit to, 65.
Herons, More About, 152
Honey-eater, New, 47.
Hybridisation, 48.
Japanese Birds, 200.
yotirnal of the South African Orni-
thologists' Union, 102
Kagu, The, of New Caledonia, 197.
Kermadec Islands, Expedition to, 209.
" Key (A) to the Birds of Australia," 155
Kingfisher, Brown, and Snake, 155.
Kinglisher, Great Brown, in Tasmania,
Lyre-Bird, A Confiding, 104.
Lyre-Bird, The, 94.
Lyre- Birds, 107.
l.aunceston (Tasmanian) Notes, 158.
Magi)ie, A Vicious, 197.
Magpie, Characteristic Traits of the Tas-
manian, 189.
Magpies or Crow-Shrikes, 81.
Mallee (Victoria) Notes, 52, 162.
Malurus, A Rare, 155.