Fellows. And if any Variance happen between him and the Scholars, and the same be not ended within ten or twenty days, by the Sub-Rector, Dean and three senior Scholars of the College, that then he would stand to the Direction of the Chancellor, or in his Absence, of the Vice-Chancellor or his Commissary, and his Award would faithfully observe, & si contigerit me in posterum propter mea demerita, seu causas in statut' content', juxta formam statutorum ab officio meo expelli, seu alias amoveri, omnibus & singulis juris & fact remediis per quæ vel quæ petere me possim reconciliari vel in integrum restitui circa præmissa quantumcunque aliis probitat' & vitæ merita mihi Suffragentur in vim pacti renuncio in his scriptis, and that he would observe the Statutes, according to the plain Grammatical Sense, &c.
Then they find another Statute, Si quis Scholarium vel Electorum, be convict of Adultery, Incontinency, hæresis pertinacis, wilful Homicide, manifest Perjury, frequent Drunkenness, alteriusque publica turpitudinis, before the Rector, SubRector, Dean and five other senior Scholars, or the major Part of them with the Consent of the said Rector, he shall be ipso facto expelled, nulla alia monitione præmissa. And in the same Statute (which is intituled de causis propter quas Scholares privari debeant, & de dissentionibus sedandis) 'tis farther established, quod si aliqua discordia, ira, rixæ aut dissentionis materia (quod absit) in dicto Collegio suborta sit, qualitercunque inter quoscunque Scholares, aut alios in dicto Collegio morantes, nisi sic dissentiones intra unum diem intra se concordent, tunc celerius, cautius & melius quo fieri potuit per prædict' Rectorem, vel in ejus absentia Sub-rectorem & tres Scholares, ex præsentibus in Collegio omnino Seniores intra biduum sedetur & pacificetur hujusmodi dissentio; si vero ipsi ad eand' sedand' non sufficiant, tum Rector (assumpto sibi Sub-rectore, Decano & aliis quinque Scholaribus omnino Senioribus per quos veris' sedari poterit) summarie & de plano eam examinat, sicque finis discordiæ, iræ, dissentioni, & jurgio hujusmodi, favore, partialitate, ira, odio, & invidia quibuscunque cessantibus, intra tres dies lapsum illius bidui immediate sequentes imponatur: & quicquid Rector cum præd' vel major' parte eorundem duxerit ordinandum & agendum per partes discordantes firmiter in virtute eorum juramenti observetur, & executioni absque contradictone cujuscunque demandetur: necliceat alicui de dicto Collegio, cujuscunque gradus aut status extiterit, occasione rixæ, jurgij aut dissentionis intra dictum Collegium aut extra inter eosdem ortæ vel motæ, prosecutionem facere, aut litem aliquam movere velaliquem impetere, aut ad judicium trahere, coram aliquo judice extrinseco Ecclesiastico vel Secular', sed volumus omnino quod hujusmodi jurgia, iræ, rixæ, discordia & dissentiones (quæ per Dei gratium raro aut nunquam contingent) per personas prædict' aliqua ordinatione bona seu concordia terminentur & finientur.
[37] The Jury finds, That from the Foundation of the College there was, and yet is, quidam ordo Scholarium, vocat' veri & perpetui Scholares, and that by the Statutes, every Scholar who hath passed his Probation Year, and is approved to be a true and perpetual Scholar, shall take an Oath before the Rector, or in his Absence before the Sub-rector, &c. to observe the Statutes of the College, and to endeavour that others observe them too, or otherwise to undergo the Penalties on them indicted, without Contradiction, according to the true Form and Effect of these Statutes: To obey all Injunctions, Expositions and Constructions by the Reverend Bishops, Successors of the first and original Founder, super dubiis Statut' emergentibus ad eosdem Episcopos ex consensu Rectoris & majoris partis Scholarium delat' faciendis; to be true to the College, neither to do, nor wittingly to suffer to be done, any Prejudice, Damage or Scandal to the same; to obey, assist, and reverence the Rector, Sub-rector, &c. and other Superiours, Scholars in licitis ac honestis, & maxime, in eorum conventionibus & in negotiis Collegij quatenus Statuta jubent aut requirant, effectually to obey all Directions and Orders of the Rector, Subrector, &c. to maintain and defend the Rights and Liberties, the Honesty and good Fame of the College, and its Scholars, &c. Item si contingat me posthac per Rectorem aut in hujusmodi rebus habentes interesse corrigi & puniri, aut a dicti Collegii sustentatione ejici & expelli, excludi, privari, vel amoveri propter mea forsan demerita, ipsum Rectorem seu alias personas seu eorum aliquem, occasione expulsionis vel correctionis hujusmodi, nunquam prosequar, molestabo, vel in-