Page:The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Volume 10.djvu/141

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Ballad Airs from Manuscript

12 P. Lord Randal

Miss M. Macmath.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 120
                    \key f \major
                    \time 3/4
                    \partial 4 \stemUp a4 |
                    bf a g |
                    f d c |
                    d g g |
                    g2 g8[( a)] |
                    bf4 a g |
                    f d c |
                    d g g |
                    g2 f8 f |
                    \stemDown bf4 c d |
                    f( d) d8 c |
                    bf4 c f |
                    d2 d8 c |
                    \stemUp bf4. a8 g f |
                    d4 c c |
                    d g g |
                    \bar "|."
                \addlyrics {
                    Whare hae ye been a' day, Lord Ran -- dal, my son?
                    Whare ha ye been a' day, my hand -- some young one?
                    I've been in the wood hunting, Moth -- er, make my bed soon,
                    For I'm wea -- ry, wea -- ry hunt -- ing and fain would lie down.
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

17 I. Hind Horn.

Miss M. Macmath.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 80
                    \key bf \major
                    \time 2/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp f8 bf bf bf |
                    \stemDown bf bf16[( c)] d4 |
                    ef8 ef16 c d8 d16[( bf)] |
                    c8 c16[( bf)] \stemUp g8. \stemDown ef'16 |
                    d8 f bf,8. bf16 |
                    bf8 bf16 c d8 c16 bf |
                    d4 d8 c16 c |
                    d8 f16( ef) d8 c |
                    \bar "|."
                \addlyrics {
                    She gave him a gay gold ring,
                    hey lil -- le -- lu and how lo lan,
                    and he gave her a far bet -- ter thing,
                    Wi my hey down and a he did -- dle down -- ie.
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

20 Ja. The Cruel Mother.

Mrs Harris and others.

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key a \minor
                    \time 4/4
                    \stemDown c4 b \stemUp a \stemDown e'8 d |
                    c4 b \stemUp a4. \stemDown c8 |
                    b4 c d4. d16 d |
                    c4 d e4. c8 |
                    b c d d c d e4 |
                    \stemUp a,4. b8 a4 g8[( e)] |
                    \stemDown c'4 \stemUp b8[( a)] b4 a |
                    e a a r |
                    \bar "|."
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }

40. The Queen of Elfan's Nourice.

W. Walker, Aberdeen.[1]

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new PianoStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                \relative c'' {
                    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                    \key g \major
                    \time 4/4 \numericTimeSignature
                    \stemUp \partial 4 a8 b |
                    \stemDown c4 \stemUp a a g8 a |
                    \stemDown c4 \stemUp a a g8 a |
                    \stemDown c4. d8 e4 \stemUp e, |
                    g2. \stemDown c8 b |
                    \stemUp a4. g8 a4 \stemDown b8 c |
                    c4 \stemUp a a \stemDown a'8. g16 |
                    g4 e d8 e g b, |
                    \stemUp a2. |
                    \bar "|."
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }
  1. "Perhaps an improvised adaptation of a pibroch tune."