10 LIST OF MR. COBBETT’s BOOKS. sketch of the Face of the Country, of its Rural Economy, of the Iowns and Villages, of Manufactures and Trade, and o/such of the Manners and Customs as materially differ from those of Eng- K ? S °T a ." Accou , nt th ®. Prices of Land, Houses, Fuel, Food, Raiment, Labour, and other things in different parts of the Country ; the design being to exhibit a true picture of the Present State of U e people of France; to which is added, a General View of the finances of the Kingdom. TOUR IN ITALY. J A MES CO BBETT- S TOUR IN ITALY, and also in Part of FRANCE and SWI 1ZERLAND (Price 4 s.6d.) the Route being from Paris through Lyons to Marseilles, and thence to Nice, Genom wa, .Florence, Rome, Naples, and Mount Vesuvius ; and by Rome, lerni, I erugia, Arezzo, Florence, Bologna, Ferrara, Paudau, Venice, Verona, Milan, over the Alps, by Mount St. Bernard, Geneva, and teoc! r o’ J nt0 France. The space of time being from October to September 1829: containing a description of the Country; or. the principal Cities and their most striking Curiosities; of the Uimate, Soil, Agriculture, Horticulture, and Products ; of the Price Frovtsions, and of Labour, and of the Dresses and Conditions of the People. And also some account of the Laws and Customs, Cavil and Heligious, and of the Morals and Demeanor of the Inha- bitants in the several States. TOUR IN SCOTLAND. TOUR IN SCOTLAND, by Mr. Cobbett; the tour taken in the Autumn of 1832, and the book written during the Tour. It is a small duodecimo volume, 2s. 6d. VII. LAW. MARTENS’S LAW OF NATIONS. Price 175. COBBETT’S TRANSLATION OF MARTENS'S LAW OF NATIONS; being the Science of National Law, Covenants, Power, &c. Founded upon the Treaties and Customs of Modern Nations in Europe. By G. F. Von Martens, Professor of Public Law in the University of Gottingen. Translated from the French, by Wm. Cobbett. One of my first literary labours. An excellent Common- place Book to the Law of Nations. — W. C. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS POLITICS. COLLECTIVE COMMENTARIES ; Price 35. COBBETT’S COLLECTIVE COMMENTARIES; or Remarks on the Proceedings in the Collective Wisdom of the Nation, during the Session which began on the 5th of February, and ended on tbe 6th of August, in the Third Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, and in the Year of our Lord, 1822; being the Third Session of the First Parliament of that King. To which are subjoined, a complete List of the Acts passed during the Session, with Elucida- tions, and other Notices and Matters; forming, altogether, a short but clear History of the Collective Wisdom for the Year. TWOPENNY TRASH ; Price 3s. TWOPENNY TRASH, complete in two vols,, 12mo.