Page:The English housekeeper, 6th.djvu/59

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Chickens come in the beginning of April, but they may be had all the year round.

Fowls are dearest in April, May, and June, but they may be had all the year round, and are cheapest in September, October, and November.

Capons are finest at Christmas.

Poulards, with eggs, come in in March.

Green Geese come in in March, and continue till September.

Geese are in full season in September, and continue till February.

Turkey Poults come in in April, and continue till June.

Turkeys are in season from September till March, and are cheapest in October and November.

Ducks are in season from June till February.

Wild Ducks, Widgeons, Teal, Plovers, Pintails, Larks, Snipes, Woodcocks, from the end of October till the end of March.

Tame Pigeons are in season all the year, Wild Pigeons from March till September.

Pea-Fowl (young ones) from January till June.

Partridges from 1st September till January.

Pheasants from 1st October till January.

Grouse from the 12th of August till Christmas, also Black Cocks and Grey Hens.

Guinea Fowls from the end of January till May; their eggs are much more delicate than common ones.

Hares from September to March.

Leverets from March to September.

Rabbits all the year round.


The seasons of Fish frequently vary; therefore the surest way to have it good is to confide in the honesty of respectable fishmongers; unless, indeed, you are well acquainted with the several sorts, and have frequent practice in the choosing of it. No fish when out of season can be wholesome food.

Turbot is in season from September to May. Fish of this kind do not all spawn at the same time; therefore, there are good as well as bad all the year round. The finest are brought from the Dutch coast. The belly of a Turbot