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Page:The English hymnal (1906).djvu/151

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HARINGTON (Retirement). (C. M.)
Moderately slow 𝅗𝅥 = 80.
H. Harington, 1727–1816.

\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff { \clef treble \time 3/2 \key d \major \partial 2 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t 
  \relative c''
  << { a2 | d( cis) b | a2.( g4) fis2 | g( a) b | b( a) \breathe \bar"||" a | a( gis) a | fis4( b) a2 gis | a1 \breathe \bar"||" \break
       e4( a) | a2( g) fis | fis( e) d | e4.( fis8 g2) fis | b1 \breathe \bar"||" a4( d) | d2( cis) d | e,4( g fis2) e | d1 \bar"|." } \\
  { fis2 | d( e) fis | e( cis) d | d( fis) g | g( fis) e | e( d ) e | fis( e) e4( d) | cis1
    cis4( fis) | fis2( e) d | d( cis) d | cis( e) d | d1 d2 | g1 fis2 | b,4( e) d2 cis | d1 } >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override Staff.NoteHead.style = #'altdefault
  \relative c'
  << { d2 | a( g) fis | a1 a2 | d1 d2 | d1 a2 | a( b) cis | d( cis) b | a1
       a2 | a1 a2 | a1 a2 | g( a) a | g1 a2 | a1 a2 | b( a) a | fis1 } \\
  { d2 | fis( e) d | cis( a) d | b( a) g | d'1 cis2 | cis( b) a | d e1 | a,1 
    a2 | a1 d4( a') a2( g) fis | e( cis) d | g1 fis2 | e( a,) d | g( a) a, | d1 } >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 80 }

T. Haweis, 1732—1820, and others.

O THOU from whom all goodness flows,
I lift my heart to thee;
In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes,
Dear Lord, remember me.

2 When on my poor distressèd heart
My sins lie heavily,
Thy pardon grant, new peace impart:
Dear Lord, remember me.

3 When trials sore obstruct my way,
And ills I cannot flee,
O let my strength be as my day:
Dear Lord, remember me.

4 If, for thy sake, upon my name
Shame and reproaches be,
All hail reproach and welcome shame:
Dear Lord, remember me.

5 If worn with pain, disease, or grief
This feeble spirit be;
Grant patience, rest, and kind relief:
Dear Lord, remember me.

6. And O, when in the hour of death
I wait thy just decree,
Be this the prayer of any last breath:
Dear Lord, remember me.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' { << { d1 d \bar"||" } \\ { b1 a } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
A -- men.
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' {
  << { g1 fis } \\ { g,1 d' } >> }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 80 }