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Page:The English hymnal (1906).djvu/330

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OLD 120th. (6 6. 6 6. 6 6.)
Moderately slow 𝅗𝅥 = 66.
Melody from Este's Psalter, 1592.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key d \major \partial 1 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t
  \relative c'
  << { d1 fis2 g a b | a1 \bar"||" a | b2 cis d b | cis1 \breathe \bar"||" \break
       a | d2 cis b a | gis1 \bar"||" a | b2 a a gis | a1 \breathe \bar"||" \break
       fis | b2 a g fis | e1 \bar"||" a | g2 fis e e | d1 \bar"|." } \\
  { d1 | 2. e4 fis2 g | fis1 d | d2 e fis e | e1
    fis | fis2 a fis cis | e1 e | fis 2 fis b, e | e1
    d | g2 e d d | cis1 1 | d4( e) d2 d cis | d1  } >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c
  << { fis1 | a2 d cis b | d1 fis, | fis2 a a gis | a1
       a | b2 e d a | b1 a | d2 cis e b | cis1
       a | d2 c b a | a1 a | b4( a) a2 a a4( g) | fis1 } \\
  { d1 | 2 b a g | d'1 d | d2 cis b e | a,1
    d | b2 cis d fis | e1 cis | d2 fis e e | a,1
    d | g,2 a b d | a1 fis' | b,4( cis) d2 a a | d1 } >>
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 66 }

J. Ellerton 1826–93.

HAIL to the Lord who comes,
Comes to his temple gate!
Not with his Angel host,
Not in his kingly state;
No shouts proclaim him nigh,
No crowds his coming wait;

2 But borne upon the throne
Of Mary's gentle breast,
Watched by her duteous love,
In her fond arms at rest;
Thus to his Father's house
He comes, the heavenly Guest.

3 There Joseph at her side
In reverent wonder stands;
And, filled with holy joy,
Old Simeon in his hands
Takes up the promised Child,
The glory of all lands.

4 Hail to the great First-born
Whose ransom-price they pay!
The Son before all worlds,
The Child of man to-day,
That he might ransom us
Who still in bondage lay.

5. O Light of all the earth,
Thy children wait for thee!
Come to thy temples here,
That we, from sin set free,
Before thy Father’s face
May all presented be!

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c'' { << { d1 d \bar"||" } \\ { b a } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { A -- men. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \relative c' { << { g1 fis } \\ { g,1 d } >> }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 66 }
