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Page:The English hymnal (1906).djvu/832

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St. Theodulph (Valet Will Ich
Melody by
Dir Geben). (76.76.D.)
M. Teschner, c. 1613. Adapted
Very slow and solemn = 46.
and harmonised by J. S. Bach.

<< <<
\new Staff { \clef treble \time 4/2 \key a \minor \partial 2 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \relative c' 
  << { 
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t
  c2 | g' g a b | c1 c2\fermata \breathe \bar"||" e | d c c b | c1.\fermata ^\markup{"Fine."} \bar":|." \break
  c4( d) | e2 e d c | b4( a b2) g\fermata \breathe \bar"||" b | c b a a | g1.\fermata \bar"||" \break
  g2 | e4( f) g2 a g | g( f) e\fermata \breathe \bar"||" g | f e d d | c1.\fermata ^\markup{"D.C."} \bar "|." } \\ 
  { g2 | c e f e | e1 e2 a | a f e d | e1.
  e4( f) | g2 a a fis | g4( fis g2) d g | g g g fis | d1.
  d2 | c4( d) e2 f e | e( d) c c | c c c b | g1. } 
\new Staff { \clef bass \key a \minor \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" \relative c
  << { e2 | g c c b | a1 a2 c | a a g g | g1. 
  g2 | c c d d | d4( c d2) b d | c d e d4( c) | b1. 
  g2 | g c c bes | a1 a2 e | f g a g4( f) | e1. } \\ 
  { c2 | e c f gis, | a1 a2_\fermata a' | f d g g, | c1._\fermata 
  c2 | c'4( b) a( g) fis2 d | g1 g,2_\fermata f'! | e d c d | g,1._\fermata
  b2 | c bes a4( b) cis2 | d1 a2_\fermata bes | a g fis g | c1._\fermata } 
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 2 = 92 }
Or this version of the above.
Tr. J. M. Neale

All glory, laud and honour
To thee, Redeemer, King,
To whom the lips of children
Made sweet hosannas ring.
2 Thou art the King of Israel,
Thou David’s royal Son,
Who in the Lord’s name comest,
The King and blessèd One.
3 The company of angels
Are praising thee on high,
And mortal men and all things
Created make reply.
4 The people of the Hebrews
With palms before thee went;
Our praise and prayer and anthems
Before thee we present.
5 To thee before thy passion
They sang their hymns of praise;
To thee, now high exalted,
Our melody we raise.
6 Thou didst accept their praises,
Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,
Thou good and gracious King.

At the Chancel step.

O Saviour of the world, who by thy Cross and precious Blood hast redeemed us, save us and help us, we humbly beseech thee, O Lord.