Page:The Essays of George Eliot, ed. Sheppard, 1883.djvu/10

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cP cP NUMBERS 1 TO 79. PKEvrous numbers of this Library were known by the name Standard Series. A list of these 79 books will be found on the 3d page of the cover of this volume. They are printed in 4to, 8vo, and 12mo sizes, and are bound in postal card manilla. They are | standard books, and are very cheap. 2, Ik THE ESSAYS OF GEORGE ELIOT. COMPLETE. Collected and arranged, with an Introduction on her "Analysis of Motives." By NATHAN SHEPPARD. George Eliot is so well known, and so universally acknowledged as one of the best 'writers of modern times, that it is not necessary to do more than to say that she was jthe author of these essays. Everybody of culture and taste wants to read whatever phe wrote. It may not be known by every one that she wrote many contributions to periodical literature, which, in style and interest, nothing in her works of Action excels. Ia general wish has been expressed through the press that her "striking essays be collected and reprinted, both because of substantive worth and because of the light they throw on the author's literary canons and predilections." This has now been done, and done by a gentleman in every respect fitted for the task. Prof. Sheppard 'has also written an introduction to the essays on the author's "Analysis of Motives."' He is himself a recognized authority in critical analysis, and his introduction is worth many times the price of the volume. These essays are now collected for the first time, they never before having been published in book-form in either England or America. NATHAN SHEPPARD EARLIER NUMBERS. PAXTON HOOD'S LIFE OP CROMWELL. No. 80, Standard Library (No. 1, 1883 Series). Price, 25 cents. SCIENCE IN SHORT CHAPTERS. Br W. Mattieu Williams, F.R.S.A., F.C.S. No. 81, Standard Library (No. 2, 1883 Series). Price, 25 cents. AMERICAN HUMORISTS. Br R. H. Haweis. No. 82, Standard Library (No. 3, 1883 Series). Price, 15 cents. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS SHOEMAKERS. By William Edward Winks. No. 83. Standard Library (No. 4, 1883 Series). Price, 25 cents. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. By Thomas Gibson Bowles. No. 84, Standard Library (No. 5, 1883 Series). Price, 25 cents. THE HIGHWAYS OF LITERATURE; or, What to Read and How to Read. By David Puyde, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.S.A., etc. No. 85, Standard Library (No. 6, 1883 Series). Price, 15 cents. COLIN CLOUT'S CALENDAR. A Record or A Summer. By Grant Allen. No. 8U, Standard Library (No. 7, 1883 Series). Price, 25 cents. FUNK & WAGNALLS From hundreds of periodicals in all sections of the country we have received the most enthusiastic testimonials, like the following from the Danbury News, Danbury, Conn. : " Had there been an Act of Congress empowering FUNK tfe WA GNALLS, the New York Publishers, to drive out bad literature fyy substituting good, at a price within the reachof all, the firm could not hare done better than it is doing. . . . There is the AMERICAN HUMORIST, the last issue, printed in clear, but not staling type, on fine paper. It contains one hundred and eighty pages and sells for 15 cents— the price of a good cigar!"