Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/45

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State, and in deference to the desire expressed by the Porte to obtain the reduction of the frontiers fixed by the Protocol of the 22nd of March, the line of demarcation of the limits of Greece shall take its departure from the mouth of the River Aspropotamos, ascend that river as far as the latitude of Lake Angelo Castro, and traversing that lake, as well as those of Vrachori and Saurovitza, it shall strike the Mount Artolina, from whence it shall follow the ridge of Mount Oxas, the Valley of Calouri, and the ridge of Mount Œta, as far as the Gulf of Zeitoun, which it shall reach at the mouth of the Sperchius.

All the territories and countries situated lo the south of this line, which the Conference has marked upon the map hereunto annexed—Lit. F., shall belong to Greece; and all the countries and territories situated to the north of this line shall continue to form part of the Ottoman Empire[1].

Islands.There shall likewise belong to Greece the whole of the Island of Negropont, with the Devil's Islands and the Island of Skyros, and the islands anciently known by the name of Cyclades, including the Island of Amorgo, situated between the 36th and 39th degrees of north latitude, and the 26th degree of longitude east of the meridian of Greenwich.

Government.§ 3. The Greek Government shall be monarchical, and hereditary according to the order of primogeniture[2]. It shall be confided to a Prince, who shall not be capable of being chosen from among those of the families reigning in the States that signed the Treaty of the 6th July, 1827[3], and shall bear the title of Sovereign Prince of Greece[4]. The choice of that Prince shall form the object of subsequent communications and stipulations.

§ 4. So soon as the Articles of the present Protocol shall have

  1. Superseded by the 'Arrangement' of 21 July, 1832 (supra, p. 13), which has in its turn been superseded by the Convention of 1881 (Texts, No. XII).
  2. Cf. the Convention of 7 May, 1832 (Texts, No. Ill), Art. 8, and Explanatory Article (Texts, No. IV); also the Treaty of 13th July, 1863 (Texts, No. V), Art. 3.
  3. During the discussions with reference to the choice of Prince Alfred of England in 1862 it was maintained by Greece that this clause was no longer in force. Cf. supra, p. 21.
  4. Superseded by the Convention of 7 May, 1832, Art. 3, and Treaty of 13 July, 1863, Art. 2.