these, ; or these, . Consequently, from a sufficient number of matings a quarter of the calves are pure black, → ; a half are masquerading blacks, ; and a quarter are pure red, .
Again, when black masqueraders are bred back to pure black cattle, one half their progeny are pure black, the other half masqueraders. Thus gives two pure blacks, ; and two masqueraders, .
Further, when black masqueraders are bred back to red, one half their progeny are masqueraders, the other half are red. gives two masqueraders, , and two reds, .
These black masqueraders cause confusion, since they cannot be separated from the pure black ones by the naked eye; but, like the intermediate roans, they may also be the means of transmitting a colour from one set of cattle to another. For instance, red cattle of North Devon type were taken to the south of Ireland a century ago, or more, and crossed with the native black Kerry cattle. The result of the crossing and