it stands,—in the form of an article intended for a quarterly review. Not only does this seem to me the most simple and honest course, but it will ensure the reader against lapsing into a supposition that the writer is an agent or advocate of your committee, or in some way or other less independent and impartial than I really am.
I shall be not only thankful, but compelled, to turn over to you, as I should have done in due course to the editor of a review, any correspondence which may result from the publication of my article. My state of illness—worse since the paper was written—incapacitates me for correspondence; and I hope therefore, that you will kindly allow all letters on the subject to be addressed to you, as the Secretary of the "National Association of Factory Occupiers."
Believe me, Dear Sir, truly yours,
Note.—It is requested, in conformity with the wishes of Mrs. Harriet Martineau (expressed in the above prefatory letter), that any correspondence occasioned by the publication of this pamphlet be addressed to the undersigned,
Henry Whitworth,
13, Corporation Street, Manchester.