Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/105

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who shall die will be the angel of Death. And the water of Life which flows from under the throne of God shall be given unto men.

Then Eber opened the volume again, and read from the Book of Revelations concerning the angels who stood between heaven and earth; and how Death should be destroyed; and how the river of Life flows from under the throne of God. — Henceforth, said he to Havilah, read of these things as they were first written; and then shall the truth appear what these signs are, and whereof they signify.

Is it not of the day of resurrection that Jesus spoke? asked Havilah.

Let every one judge for himself, said Eber; but none can judge till he has read the whole.

I have heard from thyself, said Havilah, that every Christian believes that there is a resurrection for every man.

Even so, said Eber; and that there is a just judgment for all. This is the greatest of all the truths which Christ was appointed to make known. Till he came, there was only the hope of every man's own mind that the dead should live again. Jesus has made this hope sure and steadfast, by bringing a promise from God, and