Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/109

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the innocent know not fear, Ramul the sage watched with satisfaction how all came to pass as he had foreknown ; and thy child leaped upon thy bosom with joy, and smiled to see the stars come forth amidst the darkness. — Thus in death may the pure repose on the love of his Maker.

There are some, innocent as my child, said Havilah, who, as the Prophet declared, shall enter Paradise without being judged. For such there is no fear, when they have once passed out of the excessive heat of the sun. But for all those whose works shall be weighed, there is surely fear and sorrow. My child would fear to give an account to me if he knew that he had done evil, — and what man, I again ask, is wholly pure?

None, replied Eber; but they who love God have already confessed their sins before they are judged. If they have deeply and truly repented, there is hope of free forgiveness; if not, they will meekly endure their punishment, and not love God the less. The more men love God, the less will they fear to stand before him; and if there were any who loved perfectly, they would fear nothing, knowing that their Father