Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/121

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Compare not a Jew with the meanest of the Faithful, said Havilah.

Mohammed himself compared them, said Eber, when he gave judgment in favor of a Jew, and against one of his own followers: and it is forbidden to no one to reason of God's providence towards his children. I therefore declare my belief, that the faith of such men as Sachem will not lessen the punishment of their guilt, since it did not preserve them from guilt: but I also feel assured that the wisdom of Nathan, however great, would have been greater; his virtues, however exalted, more exalted; and his hope, however serene, yet more firm, if he had received the Gospel and taken to himself its blessings and its promises. When I shall meet with a Christian as virtuous as Nathan, I shall think him more blessed, and shall await his judgment with a more exalted hope.

Havilah replied, This condemnation of unbelievers was not then one of the things which Mohammed learned of Christ?

There are words in the Gospel, replied Eber, which Mohammed may have misinterpreted, as many Christians do at this day, supposing them to be spoken of the state after death, instead of the reception of the Gospel in the world. But