Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/125

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in glory, so it shall be with the dead when they arise.

Havilah replied, How say the Christians then that the Gospel declares not what shall be the rewards of another life, while the punishments are made known? They agree with the Faithful that torrents of fire are prepared for the wicked. But if we speak of the delights of Paradise, of the gold and silver, and perfumes, or of the water which flows for ever, or of the wine which makes not drunken, or of the tree of immortal fruits, or of any other pleasures which Mohammed has promised, the Christians declare that it is profane to imagine the bliss which yet we most earnestly seek after.

Eber answered, That it is profane to imagine the pleasures for which we hope, I do not believe; but rather that it is well pleasing to God that our thoughts should be much there where we desire to be when we die. Believing this, it is my delight to hope for those things hereafter which now yield me the most happiness, doubting not that every pleasure shall be exalted and purified and increased, in a measure which I cannot yet understand; — as your Prophet has said, after Isaiah and Paul, that 'no eye hath seen, or ear heard, or heart conceiv-