Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/135

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It was; for God knows the mind and the spirit before they are created.

Why then was God angry with Nathan?

The wrath of God, replied Aza, is upon all unbelievers; as it is said in the Book, 'They shall be set over the fire of hell; and God shall say, Taste the punishment due unto you because ye have disbelieved[1].'

Then the child looked sorrowful and perplexed, and presently he turned to Eber, saying, Tell me, Why was the curse of God on Nathan, — why did he hate him before he was born?

God hath hated no man, replied Eber; and as for Nathan, I know that he was beloved of God.

So I indeed believe, cried the child joyfully, for God will not curse him whom all men love.

Listen to me, said Aza, and hear if he was not cursed in his death. — When he was going forth from his house, his wife would have prevented him, because the darkness was coming on; but he would not listen to her. His daughters also entreated him to remain, because the guests for whom he had prepared a feast were already at the door; but he refused them. The

  1. Koran, chap. 6.