Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/140

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ed or perfected by the discipline which is appointed to him.

Explain this to me, said Aza; for I understand not how, if the end be fixed from the beginning, that which must happen between can be of any importance. Neither do I understand the reason why two persons who believe in the Book should differ where the Book speaks so plainly.

There are some of the Faithful, replied Havilah, who believe with thee, and some with me, and some in yet another manner; for though the Book speaks plainly in some parts, of the predestination of men, it yet contains some thoughts which appear to many to be inconsistent with this great doctrine. I will relate how the truth appears to me, when thou shalt first have spoken.

Far be it from me, said Aza, to doubt the words of the Book, or to disbelieve the words which the Prophet elsewhere spoke. Doth not the Book declare that 'The fate of every man is bound about his neck,'[1] and that 'no soul can die unless by the permission of God?'[2] And hath not Mohammed told how Adam and Moses disputed before God?[3] 'Thou' said Moses, 'art Adam, whom God created and animated

  1. Koran, chap. 17.
  2. Ibid. chap. 3.
  3. Prelim. Dissert. p. 163.