Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/146

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Thus far is the absolute decree revealed to man.

Was this made known to Adam? said Aza.

It was; for he was assured on the word of his Maker, that if he transgressed, he should surely die, — as we are assured that if we transgress, we shall surfer.

Why then, said Aza, is there this death and this suffering, if it be predetermined that man shall transgress?

Eber answered, Why there is pain and death in the world, it has not yet pleased the Father to declare : but since his goodness is abundant, and his wisdom and power have no bounds, we cannot doubt but that the reasons, when they shall be made known, will attest some hidden wisdom which man is not yet able to comprehend. All that we yet know is, that every thing exists by God's absolute decree; that evil exists, — and therefore that evil exists by God's absolute decree. Why plagues and earthquakes have desolated the earth, why pain and guilt have troubled mankind, we may hope to learn hereafter; and till then we may wait patiently, since we see how beauty rises up out of the dust, how peace issues from woe, and how purity is wrought out of repentance.