Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/21

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God's own heart, ever felt or would have dared to cherish.

If so, replied Havilah, how shall we think of the faith of Christians when the Prophet came? Did they not worship Jesus, and Mary the mother of Jesus?

They did, and their error is to be mourned; but all Christians err not thus. Mohammed came not to admonish me, and such as myself of the truth; for we believe not on him: yet we know that God is one; and much besides we know which Christ alone hath told. His Gospel tells us, as we have but now said, that forms of worship may change, while the truth changes not; and that as many as hold this truth are brethren. Havilah! I have travelled through many lands, and seen the worship of many nations. Where I have seen men bow down before idols of wood or stone, I have mourned, because they knew not the great truth. When I have seen those who are called Christians praying to Jesus as a God, I have also mourned, because having known the truth, they have corrupted it: but wherever I have heard prayer to the One God, whether under the palm-trees at eventide, or in the assemblies of the people at noon; whether from