Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/29

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is still an uncertain opinion concerning this, I wonder not that the Christians believe according to their Scriptures. Whether Jesus died, or was taken up to paradise without dying, he was still a man, and the apostle of God.

Eber replied, Of his death we will speak more hereafter. The work of his life was to confirm the law (as thou hast said), by showing that it was given unto the Jews from Heaven, to preserve in the earth the knowledge of the eternal truth, that God is One. As he saith, 'I am not come to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfil.' This work he did; and having fulfilled the law and the prophets, there was no office left for another, and therefore we call Jesus the last and the greatest of the prophets.

How say the Christians that Christ fulfilled the law?

By teaching in a more perfect way the same things which the law had taught. The law which the One God gave by Moses taught that he governs in the hearts of men, that he requires men to obey him, and that he rewards or punishes men according to their obedience. All these things Jesus taught more perfectly. He showed that men should worship with the spirit rather than by sacrifices; that they should