Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/36

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the Christians believe to come from the unhallowed fires beneath.

Rather, replied Eber, to descend from a remote star which hath borrowed its rays from the great source. Though it hath had its use in piercing the clouds which deformed the greater light, far be it from us to worship it as the sun.

These clouds, said Havilah, what are they?

When Mohammed arose, answered his friend, the religion of the Christians was already corrupted, so that the one eternal truth was obscured among those who should have preserved it in its full brightness and purity. Not only was Jesus worshiped as a God, but his mother also; and the prayer which is sacred to God alone was offered to the souls of dead men, and even to the images of their bodies. Your Prophet was wise, and he discerned that such worship was foolish; and he knew the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures so far as to perceive that such homage was also false and sinful. Therefore he set himself apart, and directed many eyes to the truth from the midst of these superstitions.

Praised be his name who did this! exclaimed Havilah. Let all who love the truth praise him!