Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/48

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and where the angel of the Resurrection[1] inquires how long it must be ere his trumpet shall sound. If our ears were quickened as they shall at length be, we might hear the rustling of wings roundabout us; for there is no hour when Azrael[2] hovers not near the abodes of men, or when the Genii[3] come not forth from their abode in the mountains. — Yonder is also the place of tombs.

I marked it yesterday, replied Eber; and that some who were lately dead were laid there.

Therefore, in that place of the dead, there is life, and motion, and sound. If we could enter those sepulchres, we should tremble to behold how the dread messengers of God question the departed concerning their faith and their holiness.[4] This is also the hour when the guardian spirits of men yield up their charge one to another, and bear on high the tablets on which human deeds and thoughts are written. — My child sleeps on his couch, and knows not that the two who have watched him through the day are taking flight, while other two draw near; but we who are awake feel in our souls

  1. Koran, chap. lxxix.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid. chap. lxxii.
  4. Ibid. chap. x.