Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/50

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ground it is my belief that there are some who behold what I can only imagine, and grasp that which my thoughts can only reach. But such hath God created — not because he has need of them, but that they might be happy. The throne of God can be removed by none, for the heavens themselves are his everlasting seat. Nor do men need any to intercede for them, for is it not said in your Book, as well as in the Scriptures, that 'God is ready to forgive, and merciful?'[1] And who can so well guard the soul while living, and appoint its lot when dead, as He who dwells within the soul, and who knows 'what the breast conceals?' Let men be glad if there be spirits more noble than themselves to praise and to enjoy; but, for my own part, I love to believe that by none but God himself am I guarded and cherished, and that no intercessors are needed but my own prayers.

Though it be true, replied Havilah, that God is thus with us, yet we may not dare to despise his angels whom he has set as our guard against the Evil Spirit who goes among men to tempt them.[2] When the appointed time of his punishment shall come, there shall be no more

  1. Koran, chap. xxv.
  2. Ibid. chap. xv.