Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/60

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palms. One day, when Eber passed out of the dwelling, he saw Aza thus occupied; and when he returned, the old man was still reading, as if the hours had been moments.

Thou art among those, said Eber, who find in the Book the words of peace.

Here, and here only, said the old man.

Yet, replied Eber, there are other books in which the servants and prophets of God have written concerning him. Where is thy faith in Moses, and in Jonas, and in Barnabas,[1] that the study of their writings is not also precious to thee? And the Psalms of David too, do not they warm the heart and cheer the spirit?

Aza replied, David was the beloved of God, and the prophets have also written of him: but all Scripture has been corrupted, except the Book which was given by Gabriel, and shall be preserved pure for ever: — and while I hold that which is perfect, shall I turn to that which is corrupt? — while the Book which was written in heaven is in my hands, shall I prefer those which came through the hands of men?

  1. Books in use among the Mohammedans.