Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/91

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only did Peter deny his Lord, but the other witnesses of Christ forsook him and fled.

How unfit were such to be Apostles! exclaimed Havilah.

Rather were they the more fit, replied Eber; and herein is another proof that the ways of God are wiser than our ways. These men were chosen to bear witness of Jesus, especially of his resurrection: and when men saw that they who had been dispersed in terror on the death of their Lord reassembled fearlessly after they had seen him alive again, and from that time preached in his name, through persecution and torture and in the face of death, — it was believed that Christ had risen indeed. If these men had not first needed to be themselves persuaded, they would not so certainly have convinced others.

Yet, said Havilah, how can the words of teachers from heaven be weighty, if their faith be not firm, and their lives holy?

Such was the faith of the Apostles, replied Eber; and such were their lives. Where, except in Christ himself, was ever beheld such faith as in Paul, when he went to Jerusalem, well knowing that bonds and afflictions awaited him; and when he preached the Gospel in pris-